如你有朋友有興趣參加,請轉發以下海報給他們報名。謝謝! 加拿大心理衞生會-溫哥華菲沙分處舉辦

Ada Lam Mon, Mar 20 at 10:23 a.m. 各位CMHA的朋友, 你們好! 附上我們3月29日星期三晚上7時舉辦的打開心窗活動海報,歡迎任何有興趣者報名參加。如果你們已經填報過打開心窗活動報名表, 無需要再填報。會議連結會在講座前兩天發給大家。 如你有朋友有興趣參加,請轉發以下海報給他們報名。謝謝! 加拿大心理衞生會-溫哥華菲沙分處舉辦 粤語打開心窗學習小組主题 Cantonese Heart to Heart Share & Care Group Session ***** 拖延症***** Procrastinations 日期 Date: 2023年3月29日 (星期三) / March 29, 2023 (Wednesday) 時間 Time: 晚上7點至8點半 / 7 PM to 8 :30 PM 主持導師Facilitator:姚藍女士Melody Yao心理輔導碩士 MA Counseling Psychology 你今天拖延了嗎?英語Procrastination 拖延症指的就是“向前推到明天”,指非必要、可能有不良後果的推遲行為。 在TED演講─《拖延症患者的內心世界》(Inside the mind of a master procrastinator)裡,提姆.厄本(Tim Urban)形容在慣性拖延者的大腦裡,同時存在著理性決策者與追求及時行樂的猴子,因此,他們的行為並非總是缺乏理性,而追求及時行樂的猴子大多時候會在拉鋸戰中勝出。你們覺得呢?讓我們了解拖延症的心理學,讓你不再自我責備。 **打開心窗小組是每月聚會一次的學習及分享小組。透過學習及交流活動,互相支持鼓勵,一起學習處理情緒、壓力及人際問題等,促進自我認識、接納及成長。This confidential interactive group meets once a month to encourage participants to learn ways to manage emotions, stress and interpersonal issues as well as to promote self-awareness, acceptance and growth through sharing and mutual support** 所有參加者必須填寫報名表登記。已報名登記者會收到上課鏈結資料,可以按照簡單的步驟進入Zoom課室。All participants must complete the registration form to register. Those who have registered will receive class connection information to enter our Zoom classroom. 請點擊以下鏈結報名登記 Please register via this LINK: https://forms.gle/UqmhZDtixUzutJmTA ** 如點擊鏈結打不開, 請複印鏈結, 貼在瀏覽器上開啟 If you cannot open the link after clicking on the link, please copy the link and paste it on your browser to open it. 查詢請聯絡For Enquiries:Stella 604-603-0332 | stella.lee@cmha.bc.ca Ada 604-306-9188 | ada.lam@cmha.bc.ca We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia BC Logo Stella Lee Ada Lam cid:image001.png@01D9575A.AF1125B0 Chinese Outreach - Health Promotion Developer | Program Administrative Assistant Part-time: Mon - Thru from 1:00 pm. – 6:00 pm | Part-time: Mon, Tue, Thru from 10 am – 2 pm cell 604-603-0332 | cell 604-306-9188 stella.lee@cmha.bc.ca | ada.lam@cmha.bc.ca CMHA Vancouver-Fraser Branch Canadian Mental Health Association, Vancouver-Fraser Vancouver Office: 110 - 2425 Quebec Street, Vancouver BC V5T 4L6 Tel: 236.317.3307 / Fax: 604-872-5934 / ChineseProgram/info/ResourceList https://vancouver-fraser.cmha.bc.ca
