Thursday, December 8, 2022

t Brothers why life is good or Why is life so painful, and why do they say life is suffering?

Articles All Posts Best Articles Short Reads What We Learned Quotes Books Show Courtesy Write for us Nathawat Brothers Why is life so painful, and why do they say life is suffering? is suffering good as a sports man we have to endure pain rain in running endurance pain is good all depends how you look at pain some people say no pain no gain or pain make a peron better if u have no bad how do u know what is good like if u do not know what is cold how do u know what is hot La| First being first is that important There’s no doubt in saying that everybody adores happiness more than suffering but some peole like suffering van hof cold water immersion he sugggest people go for cold water For them, life is like a colourful painting or u are too happy to know there is good and bad my life is filled with many calm and i have good childhood depends if that is good and bad some peopel have no parents some have only father and is life always suppose to be good happy colours just like a bloomed red flower. But for some, life is painful. or good pain make you strong Even if there are some good moments in their life, they feel the fear of pain that it would not last longer. Every moment of their life is suffering, buddhist say your desire make u suffer like you liek people to liek mecan u can u stop putin that is suffering some people is in pain like pallacctive care self control or self endurance and personality is so strange which they want to end but couldn’t. For them, life is pointless, find work that you like is being a dr pointless a fireman a policewoman get killed by a homeless an is she pointless and soon it becomes hollow, we all die is your desire which further leads them to take more thigs .......... some take wrong decisions such as drugs, alcohol, and even suicide. seen quite a few who to balme But why? why is there a unviere why u read this Why is life so painful? so enjo y Why only a fraction of people reach the riches? because they think st mother theresa is great,,, they are worker or who work a lot or they go to school Or happiness is only a myth,wha tis happy then. In this article, we’ll try to discover why life is joyful or painful, why some people always remain unhappy, depression , seen quite a few maybe because of genetics or brain injury too much alcohol smoking drugs or they did not find life purpose and why some, no matter what, always have smiling faces. even in wheel chair or nick no arms no lims still manage to live a good life just no body nows ...even people in wheel chair i know can be happy Be grateful for what you have: many people in the world do not even have food lets see Instead of worrying about what you may not be getting, try to remember what you have. in some country or in richmond canada people can get angry at cars, or in some place get clean water is a chore This can change your perspective for the better 1. Start your day the night before: plan to work labour is a virtue The most successful people end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep be creactive get idea what is expensive what is dangerous what is slow what need to be improve life jacket that is warm flash light that do not need battery Focus on good habits: Maintaining good habits what other time wasting bad habits soking watch useless video on internet too much screen time learn something contributes to the feeling of having control better to plan well than not to plan at all eg financial plan For example, getting regular exercise makes us feel better and helps us feel that we have some control over our lives control emotions religion teach about purpose and no fear contrl anger just plan and do it I hope these tips help you live a better life!

Monday, December 5, 2022

what to do with people who like to get angry and explode in angeri saw this lady was crying because her husband is hear attack and lying on the ground

why this lady like to yell at him what did he do wrong why some woman like to scream at man

when work is more fun than 22 people chasing a ball call soccer

why people become successful elon musk work hard many people work hard

statistics expalin everything does it or give you a rough idea

just take normal distribution some people are shy some are not some are smarter in some way but not in other

some people have no intention to learn new things and some have open to new ideas and learn new things

is this genetic or is it parenting why do people so obcessed with fast car is it a brain washby marketing compnay so what is brain wash keep repeat a mesaage until it become real eg war certain people have disadvantages eg people who go to university are smarter not necessary, some people are billionaire hong kong li kai sing so send your son to best school or home school my relative went to harvard ental he i shome school parent thnk it is bette to go to home school more time with kids

over play chess illness

is that really a illness but if a person only think about chess and fail to make things in the society so what do you make today

why eventbrite fail and and has many bug beware before you use it eventbrite owner of that company should fix it product review use tickeleap exercise and why computer has many bug

how company fail

Johnson & Higgins was one of the largest insurance brokerage firms in the world until it was acquired by Marsh & McLennan in 1997. At that point based in New York the company had 8,400 employees. History[edit] Initially founded in 1845 in New York as Jones & Johnson by Walter Restored Jones, Jr. and Henry Ward Johnson, the company acquired its new name in 1854 when A. Foster Higgins replaced Jones who left to do business on his own.[citation needed] By the 1990s, the company transitioned itself from an established broker of marine and other insurance policies to a provider of a full range of insurance consulting services.[citation needed] By 1990 over 150 years later the company had around 8,400 employees worldwide and $1 billion in annual revenues, Johnson & Higgins was the fifth-largest insurance brokerage firm in the world and the largest that was privately owned.[1] References bad management no goal setting no monior manager have no idea what people are doing managr is doing what i f your company is losing money first sign of managment incompetence just why onwer fail bad cash flow not selling things peole just do not care it is just a job why do company thrive eg apple people look happy u can tell whe u go to the s apple store

Friday, December 2, 2022

art is is is ??????????????

• Videos of Dr Albert tan Eisntein Art Music And Dance And Didgital … 1:39 May the school be great dr george tan memorial , dr albert einstein tan 6 views7 months ago YouTubeu n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… 0:54 Dr Albert Einstein tan Vancouver music healing 16 viewsAug. 6, 2018 YouTubeu n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… 0:25 Dance therapy dr Albert tan Einstein clinic 6048138423 83 viewsMar. 11, 2018 YouTubeu n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… • Dr Albert Einstein tan Vancouver music healing - YouTube WebAug 6, 2018 · Avoid injury complexity in mixing medicine很重要加强锻炼高手解答了 =====support us subscribe ... • dr albert tan | ReverbNation / music, lyrics, and videos from Vancouver, BC, CA on ReverbNation ... dr albert tan / / new age / ambient … • Location: Vancouver, BC, CA • Images of Dr Albert Tan Einstein Art Music and Dance and Digital Art (5) Dr Albert Einstein tan Vancouver music healing - YouTube oc comedy + art WebKing of Jo king ubc mobile clinicAvoid injury complexity in mixing medicine很重要加强锻炼高手解答了 ======support us ... • Albert Einstein tan a Fan of Electronic Music? jazz and dance music permeate Western culture. I would probably be a …peace active person does it improive the quality of life




k >>>>>>>>>>>

argue with your wife or husband that is a waste of time

i mean why people do that waste time

why people are lazy u make anything today

why homeless live in tent canda has the best social system so i donot know why why are they not working are they !!!!!!!!!! make anything for use

Importance Of University

is university that long it is only four but with summer holiday it is actually not that long so why Importance Of University Benefits Of University Education Better Career Opportunities many career does not exist in the last 49 years internet ws not popular bank then With a better qualification degree in hand, one increases one's chances of getting better earning opportunities in the form of a broader range of work jobs. be your own boss is better or if you think your product or service is useful ... Enhances Career Advancements be a better person do the right thing inlife>>>>>>> Apart from selecting your choice of career, not just a piece of paper some student get a piece of paper is a show of knowledge a university provides enhancement of career advancements as well. ..because knowledge change so rapidly in mediicne or in finance or in many field continue learning . Enhances Personal Growth a better person 1000 video project on my youtube channel

code club richmond library free education for various topics

many difernet types of codeing now interesting but is it eally your field code ing competition for imrpove ..............topdoctor ................ submi tidead end of 2023 deadline i am in canada follow >>>> any ideas

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

how do people behave with other on the society and how it affects your reputation

people have no brain before you text something do you know it affects your reputation

are human logical Ninety percent of human decisions are made based on emotions. Humans use logic to justify their actions to themselves and others

see xgame xtreme dangerous fanatic religious people death over crazy bridge pelayer get angry player kill each other just for a game of cards what is learnign is the culture we have bad at creating smart epople or what is going on with learning

why do people refuse to learn or what is your interest technology that improve responosible use of technology

ok not interested they thinkthey know it all hard to understand when you go to the bank do you trust the guy or person sitting in front of you do they g o to university do they study money management do they have certified fincial planner or do they have cfa are they on comission or they work for just hour they will try to sell you things that they can make the most money if you work with many outfit like independent financial company primerica world financial or edward jones why do you need them and there are so many self drriected investment rrsp or tfsa inmajor banks all major banks have them big 5 or big 6 canada is dominate by all these banks now royal bank just buy hsbc hbc is out does it mean the finance industry is just so few so few to pick does small player have a chance what is their benefit many new app try to bypass bank to process payment this are great because it is alternative and alternative competition make consumer better' in the good old days there are not much competition in telphone compnay so it is almost a monolpoly with competition does services and price come down technology make phoneplan cheaper so many people line up for black friday phone plan phone is a big part of life

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

event for fun canada bc vancouver text 6048138423[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22calendar_tab_event%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark_calendar%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D serves youth, guardians, educators, and communities by: •Hosting educational events •Recruiting and equipping student representatives •Supporting on-campus student-led initiatives, •Providing social, emotional and resilience skill-building training, and •Offering digital intervention tools such as The Be Strong . 6048138423 mensaSmart-dr-albert-tan-einstein-604-813-8423 what do u like to know to be productive and creactive problem solving seminar to enhance your life ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, be heal>>>>>>>>>>>> Videos of Dr Julie rao Dr Albert tan Van Dr Julie rao topdoctor yola yoga laughing Dr Albert Einstein tan, Yelp 6048138423 1:16 Dr Julie rao topdoctor yola yoga laughing Dr Albert Einstein tan, Yel… 22 views · 10 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… dr julie rao 6047109668 dr albert Einstein tan laughing youtube video 6048138423 comedy fun anti war 0:37 dr julie rao 6047109668 dr albert Einstein tan laughing youtube video … 56 views · 10 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… be a good person. especially if, the best couple dr albert tan dr julie rao 6047703400 6047109668 1:07 be a good person. especially if, the best couple dr albert tan dr … 49 views · 4 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… vlog NEWS LAMBORGHINI...key in health #健康#健康 vlog dr albert tan dr julie rao 6047109668 6047703400 8:50 vlog NEWS LAMBORGHINI...key in health #健康#健康 vlog … 22 views · 3 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… #健康 Dr Tan Dr Julie Rao Clinic #中医 6047109668 6047703400 2:30 #健康 Dr Tan Dr Julie Rao Clinic #中医 6047109668 6047703400 20 views · 3 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… dr julie rao 6047703400 6047109668 canada #健康#健康 0:45 dr julie rao 6047703400 6047109668 canada #健康#健康 8 views · 3 months ago YouTube › u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sz… See more videos of Dr Julie rao Dr Albert tan Van. Dr. Julie Rao - Beijing Tong Ren Tang Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and … Dr Julie Rao and Dr Albert tan w Einstein treatment french … tan, albert: 9781411674783: books - missing: dr | must include: dr isbn 978-1-4116-7478-3 why is there a universe ? by dr albert ... › pin isbn 978-1-4116 … . Dr Julie rao topdoctor yola yoga laughing Dr Albert … 2021-11-16 · Video from Dr Tan Dr Julie Rao Clinic read a book a day? or audio book#医生谈健康#养生#健康#中医think well Dr Julie Rao ... . Dr. Julie Rao - Vancouver, BC - Acupuncturist Reviews Dr. Julie Rao has a 4.8/5 rating from patients. Visit RateMDs for Dr. Julie Rao reviews, contact info, practice history, affiliated hospitals & more. 4.8/5(6) Location: Vancouver, V5K0, 21 .Missing: albert tan van | Must include: albert tan van . Dr Albert tan clinic dr Julie Rao 6047109668 relax and … Dr Albert tan clinic dr Julie Rao 6047109668 relax and enjoy the rest 0:49 2018-03-07 · Dr Albert tan clinic dr Julie Rao 6047109668 relax and enjoy the rest 18 views Mar 7, 2018 Just relax and enjoy BC msp license clinic 30 years in business traditional Chinese medicine and... Author: u n peace Dr Albert Einstein sze wei Tan陳士偉博士 Views: 18 .Missing: albert tan van | Must include: albert tan van .. Happy birthday therapy dr Albert Einstein tan and dr Julie … 2018-07-22 · tan, albert: 9781411674783: books - missing: dr | must include: dr isbn 978-1-4116-7478-3 why is there a universe ? by dr albert ... › pin isbn 978 … . Ubc comedian u be comical Cantonese dr Albert tan laughing ... - YouTube Ubc comical Cantonese team, ubc mobile clinic dr Albert tan laughing therapy can help you, slow down dr Julie Rao clinic top joyscience therapy can help your... . dr tan holistic healing Dr Julie Rao Dr Albert Tan personal formula to heal cancer order by phone 604 324 9302 brain cancer chinese herbs $ 50 CAD produce by dr rao licensed doctor depression herbs $ 50 … . French treatment la motf Dr Julie Rao and Dr Albert sze Wei tan ... tan, albert: 9781411674783: books - missing: dr | must include: dr isbn 978-1-4116-7478-3 why is there a universe ? by dr albert ... › pin isbn 978-1-4116-7478-3 why... . Exercise program fitness for peace dr Julie Rao clinic and … //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ALL UNITED FOR PEACE CONCERT The concert will take place in front of ???and other platform stages. Date tba Who is dr tan , The Founder and Creator of the World Peace Music Concert and The World Human music for health Peace Canadian citizen with a big dream to be All United Especially in this current ukraine war, united together and to stop that Insanity of destroying and killing Millions of lives. End of All Wars and Violence to reach as many of you with the same dream to be all United. Lets all get together, regardless of Religions, Cultures, and what we done before Right or Wrong and be United in Peace and Love Each Others. my free music preview and comedy in^^^^^^^^ stay in touch ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? · Shared with Public book >>>>>>>>>>> book>burnaby >>>>>>> clinic 6047703400 dr julie..... ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? book lover a book call why you should beware of doctor advice you ha © © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap Booksellers ( dr tan is a new program component support in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 to help Canadian booksellers increase their online sales for Canadian-authored books and improve their business model for online sale text 6048138423 a book call why you should beware of doctor advice you ha!!!!!!!!!! i write ,,,a book call why you should be ware of doctor advice you have any bad experience with doctor order ,my book>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text 6048138423 google topdoctor yola ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Any fun cyclist ? a sat event to bike around , start from richmond Vancouver Details Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Vancouver Duration: 14 days Friends · Your friends on Facebook from ubc , one bus go to knight 41st ,i limited space, we can only have 4 more cyclist,, $125 bike included vancovuer biketour private club ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? NOV 26 AT 11 AM – NOV 30 AT 12 AM invent what app 6048138423 Online event Details 4 days Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Online with Rooms Public · Anyone on or off Facebook Anyone can share link Anyone can find this event and join the room invention idea to ????? bc invention society how a idea can improve ?email Online Messenger Room ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? NOV 26 AT 11 AM – NOV 30 AT 2 PM we teach media video accept new student ,,, completed 1000 video on youtube Details Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Duration: 5 days Public · Anyone on or off Facebook see >>>>>>>>> project is for education and cooperation with dr julie how w e help u to make education video Community clinic 6047109668 clinic reservation West van clinic Clinic Space - be inspired by the innovation and creation of new therapy made by dr Julie rao dr albert tan 6043249302 604 8138423 6047109668 approves by bc msp Deep tissue Massage & acupuncture .clinic 6047703400 Very good massage therapist.$28 /30minutes. Energy support for: Any pain ;circulation ;muscle and feet tightness; Anxiety;depression;insomnia;Erectile dysfunction; Children innate disease ; Any uncomfortablenesss class for wellness online booking clinic booking here online dr julie rao ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? strong like bruce lee we have mind training method designed by clinic 6048138423 Details Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Duration: 4 days Public · Anyone on or off Facebook strong like bruce lee we have mind training method designed by scientisits remedyclinic 6048138423 pharmacy clinic counselling psychology + 6047109668 acpuncture bc msp licensed Actions Panel Like Event call 6048138423 sales exteneded Share this event Nov 29 strong like bruce lee we have mind training method designed by scientisits remedyclinic 6048138423 pharmacy clinic counselling psychology + 6047109668 acpuncture bc msp licensed By chiyu bank medical center Follow 10 followers When and where Date and time Fri, 29 Nov 2019, 1:00 PM – Sat, 31 Dec 2022, 4:00 PM PST Location various locations clinic text 6048138423 clinic appointment text 6047109668 call appointment. Cambie Broadway clinic Burnaby, BC V5C 2J5 Hide map Map and directions How to get there Refund Policy Contact the organizer to request a refund. Description bc licensed free 10 or low cost msp family treatment free 10 times treatment because of low income dr albert tan dr julie rao bc health act bruce lee is a legend of strong chinese medicine we have clinics in west vancouver, richmond private health club and burnabu anti aging expert increase your health literacy accept weight reduction program stress reducation counselling for relationship workplace disability great traditional healing, 30 years experiences, no side effects, approved by who bc health act less cost in the long term sports medicine pain. Heal by naturally Tags Canada EventsBritish Columbia EventsThings to do in Vancouver, CanadaVancouver OtherVancouver Health Other Share with friends Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Messenger Share on Linkedin Share on Twitter Share by Email Sales Ended Details chiyu bank medical center Organizer of strong like bruce lee we have mind training method designed by scientisits remedyclinic 6048138423 pharmacy clinic counselling psychology + 6047109668 acpuncture bc msp licensed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> st josephs college hong kong alumni>>> peace meals, no strings!only for sjc graduate Details Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Duration: 3 days Public · Anyone on or off Facebook peace meals, no strings!only for sjc graduate our dr>>>>>>>>>>> Book Online | Total Vitality Centre ( Book Online | Beijing TRT ( The Open Table is set again on anytime 6048138423 for a distanced take-out dinner. Come to the St. doors on Daly at 5:00pm for a catered take-out boxed meal, then enjoy with your friends at the nearest green space. About the Open Table The Open Table is a community of young adults and students who gather around a home-cooked meal to eat, connect, and reflect. meals are offered throughout the academic year, along with campus pause tables during exams. 既然健康係一種自然狀態,做乜嘢咁難實現呢? 做乜嘢獲得醫療費用如此之高? 做乜嘢我哋喺治療後仍然病? 此外,做乜嘢自然療法如此少用,如此難以找到? 點解嗰啲試圖提供自然療法嘅人會受到監管機構嘅追捕? 為咗答呢啲問題,我哋研究咗唻醫療保健桎梏嘅各個方面,呢啲方面與護理無關,而是與疾病管理有關。 See less Meet Your Host text 6048138423 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? TODAY AT 12 PM 呼吸和治疗 所有时间的治疗 呼吸法是一种古老的自然疗法,来自于公元前,也被道教和佛教徒使用。 因为现在的成年人和孩子都忘记了如何正确地呼吸,而且很容易生病,这个方法将使你摆脱: - 精神上+情绪上: Details Event by Albert Sze Wei Tan Public · Anyone on or off Facebook 呼吸和治疗 所有时间的治疗 呼吸法是一种古老的自然疗法,来自于公元前,也被道教和佛教徒使用。 因为现在的成年人和孩子都忘记了如何正确地呼吸,而且很容易生病,这个方法将使你摆脱: - 精神上+情绪上: 成瘾 倦怠 抑郁 疲倦情绪紊乱 压力 焦虑 创伤 - 身体上的: 哮喘 需要放松促进 手术前+手术后 癌症 事故+受伤后 慢性+孕期疼痛 血压 调节PH值 抗炎症 还有更多好处 请与我联系,以获得您的第一次疗程

Thursday, October 20, 2022

education dr julie rao 6047109668

Just winwin joyscience award!! Hello, Dr Albert tan Einstein dr Julie Rao 6047109668 6048138423 message us In-home 6048138423 6047109668 Get In Touch Learn More Why you should choos My Mission Safety BC license clinic Guaranteed Success Online Resources This is not a perfect list, we try to list bad people in the community , prevention crime, we cannot be responsible for 100per cent accuracy If you have to deal with strangers, please check with the list BC most wanted criminals , RCMP, Vancouver police Albert Sze Wei Tan read chinese 中 文 .................... 中文............................ 中文 中文 6047109668 wechat Dr. Julie Rao Dr. Julie Rao…See More Like · Reply · 1y Albert Sze Wei Tan Dr. Julie Rao 6047109668 wechat Dr. Julie Rao Doctor of TCM Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments. We proudly to have Julie here helping pat…See More Like · Reply · 3y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan peace project -------- Like · Reply · 2y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan good mood======== good news=== . u, to do a story about us Like · Reply · 2y .... Albert Sze Wei Tan education most free--------------------------------------------------------> Like · Reply · 31w Albert Sze Wei Tan Chinese herbs studied for cancer A large scale review of research from Australian and Chinese University scientists has ```proven```` with thousands of studies using hundreds of thousands of cancer patients that Chinese herbal medicine offers significant treatment for most types of cancers – including breast cancer. The research comes from Australia’s University of Western Sydney and the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The researchers analyzed and reviewed 2,964 human clinical studies that involved 253,434 cancer patients. Among these were 2,385 randomized controlled studies and 579 …See More Like · Reply · 3y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan Like · Reply · 2y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan Click. ,,,,Learn more,,, Like · Reply · 2y .. Show 1 more reply in this thread .. Albert Sze Wei Tan free hypnosis music for download>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Like · Reply · 31w Albert Sze Wei Tan youtube channel albert sze wei tan peace project ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Like · Reply · 2y .... Albert Sze Wei Tan Like · Reply · 3y Albert Sze Wei Tan Jokes movie YouTube channel Albert sze Wei tan Over 100 movie 🌟 Like · Reply · 2y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan peace country peace exchange for iq buy peace coin exchange for fun Like · Reply · 2y .... Albert Sze Wei Tan Like · Reply · 3y Albert Sze Wei Tan jimei unviersity chiyu bank tan ker keh foundation Like · Reply · 2y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan Like · Reply · 2y .. Albert Sze Wei Tan poetry------------------------------ of peace poetry Like · Reply · 32w

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Bruce Lee - Fist of fury [HD] strong body need strong medicine chinese medicien dr julie rao 6047703400 6047109668

why jesus famous

a mystery why jesus famous do you know who is tan ker keh, even he build many schools or chiyu bank , he is well known only in part of a small cmmunity in china why jesus famous merry christmas why buddha famous why mohammud famous how many people benefit from catholic school is catholic a perfect palce of course, impossible to be perfect what is perfect? how do you feel so many hospital are built by catholic around the world is buddhist more famous depends do jesus and budhha teach the same thing more or less be a good person so even simple act of kindness is simple be kind and forgive forgive and forget try help some peole to day especially homeless

71 years ,a great number, a great year 2018, a happy beginning, Chiyu bank,,, chiyu medicine center Thanks to all shareholder … to learn free investment google topcause yola click education on the left side or google free investment literacy class

71 years ,a great number, a great year 2018, a happy beginning, Chiyu bank,,, chiyu medicine center Thanks to all shareholder … to learn free investment google topcause yola click education on the left side or google free investment literacy class is greed a bad thing pride lust lazy gluttony are u satisified

Friday, June 3, 2022

Sun Tzu, The Art of War. What does The Art of War teach you? “The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, but on our readiness to receive him.” “Make your way by unexpected routes and attack unguarded spots.” “If they will face death, there is nothing they will not achieve.” Chinese most famous war book I think usa military use it as a book for marine traning Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra Why is Nietzsche so important? Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who became one of the most influential of all modern thinkers. His attempts to unmask the motives that underlie traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy deeply affected generations of theologians, philosophers, psychologists, poets, novelists, and playwrights. Which Nietzsche book should I read first? With Nietzsche, you could start with his first book, The Birth of Tragedy. This is both informative and readable (and short), and gives an insight into his entire project. Then you could cut to his late little books Ecce Homo and The Antichrist. What is Nietzsche's main philosophy? About Friedrich Nietzsche His works were based upon ideas of good and evil and the end of religion in the modern world. His philosophy is mainly referred to as “existentialism”, a famous twentieth century philosophy focusing on man's existential situation. In his works, Nietzsche questioned the basis of good and evil So it is meaningless to have law in the society? Ayn Rand, anything Why is Atlas Shrugged controversial? Atlas Shrugged is one of the most controversial books in modern literature. It is a passionate defence of Rand's belief that the world is best served when individuals act entirely in their own rational self-interest. Or, to put it more bluntly, they act selfishly.Jan 28, 2007 POLICE HAVE NO INTEREST TO PROTECT citizens, police just think it as a job People donate blood for self interest too charity are all bad???!?! Family plan to have kid means they will produce selfish people who care only about their own need So that why some kid abandon their parents??! Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye The Long Goodbye (Philip Marlowe #6) by Raymond Chandler 4.19 · Rating details · 38,757 ratings · 2,402 reviews Down-and-out drunk Terry Lennox has a problem: his millionaire wife is dead and he needs to get out of LA fast. So he turns to the only friend he can trust: private investigator Philip Marlowe. Marlowe is willing to help a man down on his luck, but later Lennox commits suicide in Mexico and things start to turn nasty. Marlowe is drawn into a sordid crowd of adulterers and alcoholics in LA's Idle Valley, where the rich are suffering one big suntanned hangover. Marlowe is sure Lennox didn't kill his wife, but how many stiffs will turn up before he gets to the truth? Frank Herbert, The God Emperor Publisher: Gollancz Series: Dune Chronicles (#4) Genre: Space Opera Pages: 454 Publication Date: 1981 Verdict: 1/5 For three thousand years, Leto Atreides II has sat upon his throne on Arrakis. Less human with every passing year, Leto guides humanity along his vision of a Golden Path. Against a man who has become a god, what hope does any rebellion have . . ? God Emperor of Dune is a book that divides readers. There are those who praise it as the epitome of the series. the pinnacle of Frank Herbert’s achievements. And then are people who think it’s all a bit rubbish. I fall squarely into the latter category. This is the book so many people say rewards rereading, but it’s also the one I wasn’t looking forward to experiencing a second time around. I’m actually not sure how to review this book, because for the overwhelming majority of it I was bored out of my mind. This is not a novel. This is a philosophy thesis with characters. Remember in my Children of Dune review I commented that the epigraphs felt less like glimpses of a universe and more like Frank Herbert directly speaking to his readers? Welcome to a whole book of that. Full credit to Herbert, this is probably his best-written work, because his style fits the work of an essayist far better than that of a novelist. Unfortunately, I’m here to read a narrative, not be subjected to a lesson in morality. Yes, you can blend the two, and a lot of science fiction does just that. God Emperor of Dune just swings too far one way. There is a story here, but it’s largely irrelevant. Only two characters are carried over from the previous books. Leto II (now transformed into a monstrous worm-person hybrid and ruling over the universe) and Duncan Idaho (the most recent in a long line of gholas). Everyone else is new, and everyone is utterly uninteresting to me. The characterisation is even thinner than usual, and a lot of them feel like copies of earlier characters. One noted change is that Herbert doesn’t directly tell us how this one end, which is a change of pace that I appreciated. Of course, I would be more appreciative if there was anything in this book that held my attention. But let’s talk about the philosophy. That is, after all, what Herbert wants us to take away from this book. When I was doing my Master’s, I sat through a lot of philosophy, and I loathe it as much now as I did then. Even the points I agree with tend to be delivered in the most awfully pretentious way. God Emperor of Dune uses this pretentious delivery to bring not valid points, but a load of nonsense. It’s hard to be sure exactly what Herbert is trying to say, because he couches everything in the most convoluted language. Take for example, Leto II’s all-female army. Why women? I hear you ask. A question echoed by Idaho. The answer of course is simple. Because male armies inevitably turn on their leader because males are driven by violent sexual desire. Still with me, because it gets weirder. An army of homosexuals would never work, because they can’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. Maybe I’m wrong about what Herbert is saying, because even a reread of this section doesn’t illuminate the point he is trying to make. Homophobia from fictional characters doesn’t bother me, but this feels like Herbert speaking directly. It’s very nineteen-eighties, and in no way has aged well. And this is far from the end of it. In the opening pages, it’s stated that wolves will attack a woman because she’d just too sexy to leave alone. It’s just bizarre. I’m going to leave this review at that, because negativity is not why I review books. But sometimes a book like this comes along, and negativity is all I have. Share this: Goethe, Conversations with Eckerman Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Peter Eckermann 4.67 18 ratings2 reviews This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. History Takao Saito, Golgo 13 Golgo 13 Vol. 1 Takao Saito, Author . Viz $9.99 (208p) ISBN 978-1-4215-0251-9 He'll take any job, if the price is right. He'll go anywhere, hunt anyone and take them down with a single shot—and he never misses. Golgo 13 is the James Bond of Japan, but without the wry sense of humor. Saito's indefatigable mercenary first appeared in 1968 and has been a staple of manga and anime ever since. Viz's new edition marks his second appearance in English. This volume contains two stories from his long run. The first, originally printed in 1997, features a plot by Saddam Hussein to build a supergun that could fire from its secret location in Iraq and hit a target in the United States, with no chance of any countermeasures stopping the blast. The story is mostly a convoluted plot featuring dozens of characters including a caricatured President Clinton and very little of Golgo himself. Reading the story now gives a creepy sense of déjà vu. The second story, a vintage tale from 1979, is more about Golgo 13's fearsome reputation than the man himself. Long unavailable in English, Golgo's muscular adventures should appeal to those looking for tough action tales, with Saito's old-school manga style crisply capturing details of violence and the men and weapons that make it. (Feb.) Kazuro Koike, Lone Wolf and Cub Lone Wolf and Cub, Omnibus 1 (Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus #1) by Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima (Illustrator) 4.40 · Rating details · 1,554 ratings · 153 reviews Shogunate executioner Ogami Itto is framed as a traitor by the agents from a rival clan. With his wife murdered and with an infant son to protect, Ogami chooses the path of the rōnin, the masterless samurai. The Lone Wolf and Cub wander feudal Japan, Ogami's sword for hire, but all roads will lead them to a single destination—vengeance. A samurai epic of staggering proportions, the acclaimed Lone Wolf and Cub begins its second life at Dark Horse Manga with new, larger editions of over 700 pages, value priced. The brilliant storytelling of series creator Kazuo Koike and the groundbreaking cinematic visuals of Goseki Kojima create a graphic-fiction masterpiece of beauty, fury, and thematic power. This volume collects material previously published in Dark Horse graphic novels Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 1: The Assassin's Road, Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 2: The Gateless Barrier, Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 3: The Flute of the Fallen Tiger. (less) Bernard Cornwell, almost anything Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Open Preview The Last Kingdom (The Last Kingdom #1) by Bernard Cornwell (Goodreads Author) 4.25 · Rating details · 87,300 ratings · 4,843 reviews This is the story of the making of England in the 9th and 10th centuries, the years in which King Alfred the Great, his son and grandson defeated the Danish Vikings who had invaded and occupied three of England’s four kingdoms. The story is seen through the eyes of Uhtred, a dispossessed nobleman, who is captured as a child by the Danes and then raised by them so that, by the time the Northmen begin their assault on Wessex (Alfred’s kingdom and the last territory in English hands) Uhtred almost thinks of himself as a Dane. He certainly has no love for Alfred, whom he considers a pious weakling and no match for Viking savagery, yet when Alfred unexpectedly defeats the Danes and the Danes themselves turn on Uhtred, he is finally forced to choose sides. By now he is a young man, in love, trained to fight and ready to take his place in the dreaded shield wall. Above all, though, he wishes to recover his father’s land, the enchanting fort of Bebbanburg by the wild northern sea. This thrilling adventure—based on existing records of Bernard Cornwell’s ancestors—depicts a time when law and order were ripped violently apart by a pagan assault on Christian England, an assault that came very close to destroying England. (less) Louis Lamour, With These Hands: Stories by Louis L'Amour 3.90 · Rating details · 425 ratings · 35 reviews The timeless fiction of Louis L'Amour is both unforgettable and undeniably American, deftly capturing the heroic bravery and intrepid spirit that make this nation great. L’Amour ’s legacy of work remains unparalleled, setting a standard of excellence that few other writers have matched. Now With These Hands pulls together some of L’Amour's very best work—eleven newly rediscovered stories that have never before appeared in a single volume. From a South Seas island paradise to the icy reaches of the Arctic, from the dark, gritty streets of urban America to the rugged landscape of the untamed West, the stories gathered in With These Hands combine razor-sharp characters with breathtaking action and historic detail. Here are tales of adventure, mystery, passion, suspense, and the Old West as only L’Amour can tell them. The result is a collection that profoundly echoes the highs and lows of the human experience, while proving that life’s most vital moments can occur when and where we least expect them. All of the classic L’Amour themes are represented: honor, loyalty, and standing up for what’s right despite the odds. These dramatic stories grab hold of the reader with a power and immediacy unsurpassed by any other writer. An exotic island in the Coral Sea is transformed into a tropical nightmare when it’s taken over by a band of hijackers—and only a daredevil pilot can stop their brutal carnage. A former boxer blows the lid off a vicious crime ring—and finds that his worst enemy is not a thug with a gun but his own tenacious curiosity. A down-on-his-luck rancher discovers the key to his own redemption—and desperately hopes that his revelation has not come too late for him to win the one thing he wants most of all. A private eye navigates the twists and turns of a labyrinthine whodunit—and proves that the greatest risk to a man’s honor is his own greed. The title story "With These Hands" is a powerful tale that celebrates the triumph of the human spirit, as an oil company executive finds himself the sole survivor of an Arctic plane crash. Fighting for his life against the perilous cold and looming starvation, he resists the temptation to surrender to death—only to discover a life-affirming strength he never knew he had. Vivid in scope and displaying the diverse talents of a master storyteller, the stories in With These Hands are certain to be treasured by both old and new fans, celebrating the incomparable imagination of a timeless American author. ( death , book review, Joy of life happy? interested in health , religion? Dr tan 😅 6048138423 - YouTube

Sun Tzu, The Art of War. What does The Art of War teach you? “The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, but on our readiness to receive him.” “Make your way by unexpected routes and attack unguarded spots.” “If they will face death, there is nothing they will not achieve.” Chinese most famous war book I think usa military use it as a book for marine traning Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra Why is Nietzsche so important? Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who became one of the most influential of all modern thinkers. His attempts to unmask the motives that underlie traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy deeply affected generations of theologians, philosophers, psychologists, poets, novelists, and playwrights. Which Nietzsche book should I read first? With Nietzsche, you could start with his first book, The Birth of Tragedy. This is both informative and readable (and short), and gives an insight into his entire project. Then you could cut to his late little books Ecce Homo and The Antichrist. What is Nietzsche's main philosophy? About Friedrich Nietzsche His works were based upon ideas of good and evil and the end of religion in the modern world. His philosophy is mainly referred to as “existentialism”, a famous twentieth century philosophy focusing on man's existential situation. In his works, Nietzsche questioned the basis of good and evil So it is meaningless to have law in the society? Ayn Rand, anything Why is Atlas Shrugged controversial? Atlas Shrugged is one of the most controversial books in modern literature. It is a passionate defence of Rand's belief that the world is best served when individuals act entirely in their own rational self-interest. Or, to put it more bluntly, they act selfishly.Jan 28, 2007 POLICE HAVE NO INTEREST TO PROTECT citizens, police just think it as a job People donate blood for self interest too charity are all bad???!?! Family plan to have kid means they will produce selfish people who care only about their own need So that why some kid abandon their parents??! Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye The Long Goodbye (Philip Marlowe #6) by Raymond Chandler 4.19 · Rating details · 38,757 ratings · 2,402 reviews Down-and-out drunk Terry Lennox has a problem: his millionaire wife is dead and he needs to get out of LA fast. So he turns to the only friend he can trust: private investigator Philip Marlowe. Marlowe is willing to help a man down on his luck, but later Lennox commits suicide in Mexico and things start to turn nasty. Marlowe is drawn into a sordid crowd of adulterers and alcoholics in LA's Idle Valley, where the rich are suffering one big suntanned hangover. Marlowe is sure Lennox didn't kill his wife, but how many stiffs will turn up before he gets to the truth? Frank Herbert, The God Emperor Publisher: Gollancz Series: Dune Chronicles (#4) Genre: Space Opera Pages: 454 Publication Date: 1981 Verdict: 1/5 For three thousand years, Leto Atreides II has sat upon his throne on Arrakis. Less human with every passing year, Leto guides humanity along his vision of a Golden Path. Against a man who has become a god, what hope does any rebellion have . . ? God Emperor of Dune is a book that divides readers. There are those who praise it as the epitome of the series. the pinnacle of Frank Herbert’s achievements. And then are people who think it’s all a bit rubbish. I fall squarely into the latter category. This is the book so many people say rewards rereading, but it’s also the one I wasn’t looking forward to experiencing a second time around. I’m actually not sure how to review this book, because for the overwhelming majority of it I was bored out of my mind. This is not a novel. This is a philosophy thesis with characters. Remember in my Children of Dune review I commented that the epigraphs felt less like glimpses of a universe and more like Frank Herbert directly speaking to his readers? Welcome to a whole book of that. Full credit to Herbert, this is probably his best-written work, because his style fits the work of an essayist far better than that of a novelist. Unfortunately, I’m here to read a narrative, not be subjected to a lesson in morality. Yes, you can blend the two, and a lot of science fiction does just that. God Emperor of Dune just swings too far one way. There is a story here, but it’s largely irrelevant. Only two characters are carried over from the previous books. Leto II (now transformed into a monstrous worm-person hybrid and ruling over the universe) and Duncan Idaho (the most recent in a long line of gholas). Everyone else is new, and everyone is utterly uninteresting to me. The characterisation is even thinner than usual, and a lot of them feel like copies of earlier characters. One noted change is that Herbert doesn’t directly tell us how this one end, which is a change of pace that I appreciated. Of course, I would be more appreciative if there was anything in this book that held my attention. But let’s talk about the philosophy. That is, after all, what Herbert wants us to take away from this book. When I was doing my Master’s, I sat through a lot of philosophy, and I loathe it as much now as I did then. Even the points I agree with tend to be delivered in the most awfully pretentious way. God Emperor of Dune uses this pretentious delivery to bring not valid points, but a load of nonsense. It’s hard to be sure exactly what Herbert is trying to say, because he couches everything in the most convoluted language. Take for example, Leto II’s all-female army. Why women? I hear you ask. A question echoed by Idaho. The answer of course is simple. Because male armies inevitably turn on their leader because males are driven by violent sexual desire. Still with me, because it gets weirder. An army of homosexuals would never work, because they can’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. Maybe I’m wrong about what Herbert is saying, because even a reread of this section doesn’t illuminate the point he is trying to make. Homophobia from fictional characters doesn’t bother me, but this feels like Herbert speaking directly. It’s very nineteen-eighties, and in no way has aged well. And this is far from the end of it. In the opening pages, it’s stated that wolves will attack a woman because she’d just too sexy to leave alone. It’s just bizarre. I’m going to leave this review at that, because negativity is not why I review books. But sometimes a book like this comes along, and negativity is all I have. Share this: Goethe, Conversations with Eckerman Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Peter Eckermann 4.67 18 ratings2 reviews This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. History Takao Saito, Golgo 13 Golgo 13 Vol. 1 Takao Saito, Author . Viz $9.99 (208p) ISBN 978-1-4215-0251-9 He'll take any job, if the price is right. He'll go anywhere, hunt anyone and take them down with a single shot—and he never misses. Golgo 13 is the James Bond of Japan, but without the wry sense of humor. Saito's indefatigable mercenary first appeared in 1968 and has been a staple of manga and anime ever since. Viz's new edition marks his second appearance in English. This volume contains two stories from his long run. The first, originally printed in 1997, features a plot by Saddam Hussein to build a supergun that could fire from its secret location in Iraq and hit a target in the United States, with no chance of any countermeasures stopping the blast. The story is mostly a convoluted plot featuring dozens of characters including a caricatured President Clinton and very little of Golgo himself. Reading the story now gives a creepy sense of déjà vu. The second story, a vintage tale from 1979, is more about Golgo 13's fearsome reputation than the man himself. Long unavailable in English, Golgo's muscular adventures should appeal to those looking for tough action tales, with Saito's old-school manga style crisply capturing details of violence and the men and weapons that make it. (Feb.) Kazuro Koike, Lone Wolf and Cub Lone Wolf and Cub, Omnibus 1 (Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus #1) by Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima (Illustrator) 4.40 · Rating details · 1,554 ratings · 153 reviews Shogunate executioner Ogami Itto is framed as a traitor by the agents from a rival clan. With his wife murdered and with an infant son to protect, Ogami chooses the path of the rōnin, the masterless samurai. The Lone Wolf and Cub wander feudal Japan, Ogami's sword for hire, but all roads will lead them to a single destination—vengeance. A samurai epic of staggering proportions, the acclaimed Lone Wolf and Cub begins its second life at Dark Horse Manga with new, larger editions of over 700 pages, value priced. The brilliant storytelling of series creator Kazuo Koike and the groundbreaking cinematic visuals of Goseki Kojima create a graphic-fiction masterpiece of beauty, fury, and thematic power. This volume collects material previously published in Dark Horse graphic novels Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 1: The Assassin's Road, Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 2: The Gateless Barrier, Lone Wolf and Cub, Vol. 3: The Flute of the Fallen Tiger. (less) Bernard Cornwell, almost anything Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Open Preview The Last Kingdom (The Last Kingdom #1) by Bernard Cornwell (Goodreads Author) 4.25 · Rating details · 87,300 ratings · 4,843 reviews This is the story of the making of England in the 9th and 10th centuries, the years in which King Alfred the Great, his son and grandson defeated the Danish Vikings who had invaded and occupied three of England’s four kingdoms. The story is seen through the eyes of Uhtred, a dispossessed nobleman, who is captured as a child by the Danes and then raised by them so that, by the time the Northmen begin their assault on Wessex (Alfred’s kingdom and the last territory in English hands) Uhtred almost thinks of himself as a Dane. He certainly has no love for Alfred, whom he considers a pious weakling and no match for Viking savagery, yet when Alfred unexpectedly defeats the Danes and the Danes themselves turn on Uhtred, he is finally forced to choose sides. By now he is a young man, in love, trained to fight and ready to take his place in the dreaded shield wall. Above all, though, he wishes to recover his father’s land, the enchanting fort of Bebbanburg by the wild northern sea. This thrilling adventure—based on existing records of Bernard Cornwell’s ancestors—depicts a time when law and order were ripped violently apart by a pagan assault on Christian England, an assault that came very close to destroying England. (less) Louis Lamour, With These Hands: Stories by Louis L'Amour 3.90 · Rating details · 425 ratings · 35 reviews The timeless fiction of Louis L'Amour is both unforgettable and undeniably American, deftly capturing the heroic bravery and intrepid spirit that make this nation great. L’Amour ’s legacy of work remains unparalleled, setting a standard of excellence that few other writers have matched. Now With These Hands pulls together some of L’Amour's very best work—eleven newly rediscovered stories that have never before appeared in a single volume. From a South Seas island paradise to the icy reaches of the Arctic, from the dark, gritty streets of urban America to the rugged landscape of the untamed West, the stories gathered in With These Hands combine razor-sharp characters with breathtaking action and historic detail. Here are tales of adventure, mystery, passion, suspense, and the Old West as only L’Amour can tell them. The result is a collection that profoundly echoes the highs and lows of the human experience, while proving that life’s most vital moments can occur when and where we least expect them. All of the classic L’Amour themes are represented: honor, loyalty, and standing up for what’s right despite the odds. These dramatic stories grab hold of the reader with a power and immediacy unsurpassed by any other writer. An exotic island in the Coral Sea is transformed into a tropical nightmare when it’s taken over by a band of hijackers—and only a daredevil pilot can stop their brutal carnage. A former boxer blows the lid off a vicious crime ring—and finds that his worst enemy is not a thug with a gun but his own tenacious curiosity. A down-on-his-luck rancher discovers the key to his own redemption—and desperately hopes that his revelation has not come too late for him to win the one thing he wants most of all. A private eye navigates the twists and turns of a labyrinthine whodunit—and proves that the greatest risk to a man’s honor is his own greed. The title story "With These Hands" is a powerful tale that celebrates the triumph of the human spirit, as an oil company executive finds himself the sole survivor of an Arctic plane crash. Fighting for his life against the perilous cold and looming starvation, he resists the temptation to surrender to death—only to discover a life-affirming strength he never knew he had. Vivid in scope and displaying the diverse talents of a master storyteller, the stories in With These Hands are certain to be treasured by both old and new fans, celebrating the incomparable imagination of a timeless American author. ( death , book review, Joy of life happy? interested in health , religion? Dr tan 😅 6048138423 - YouTube

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Students of psychology have a genuine interest in understanding human nature. What is human nature Mean ..what do human do through out history Or can u examine or text human nature So If a student design a text !!! Objective is to text human what can we tell about human nature? So straner ask peole to help them Stranger ask people to give them a life to another place What would you do if some stranger ask you for help? Would you stop to help a old lady or would you walk away If you pick up a wallet on the street of a stranger and it has fifty dollars what would you do? I have try all the above experiments And my conclusion, I did this text in Canada west coast, my conclusion is that it prove that many people would help stranger So the human nature is good But the problem is : how do we have crimminals like Serial killer Drug seller Or big crime criminal why do they do what they do And is education part of the reason My conclusion is that education may be a factor but some people are highly educated they also perform bad things.. Eg lehman brother collapse, enron , and many accounting scandals So what can you do to text human natue? So what is the reason why people are bad eg break the law, steal I actually know of a rich kid who like to steal despite he live in luxury So is it because he just have too much time I do not know I am fascinated with the human mind and want to understand why people do the things they do. Classes like brain and behaviour. Ubc has a brain research center and it is very interesting what we know genes, or mri study Our psychology students are taught how to look carefully at behaviour So what is the cause of brain illness Drug additiction, Alcohol use What is lonely? Envy Can human develop a brain machine like elon musk insert a cjip into your brain would that enhance your brain and gain exposure to basic principles such as motivation, memory, thinking, sensation, and perception.

Students of psychology have a genuine interest in understanding human nature. What is human nature Mean ..what do human do through out history Or can u examine or text human nature So If a student design a text !!! Objective is to text human what can we tell about human nature? So straner ask peole to help them Stranger ask people to give them a life to another place What would you do if some stranger ask you for help? Would you stop to help a old lady or would you walk away If you pick up a wallet on the street of a stranger and it has fifty dollars what would you do? I have try all the above experiments And my conclusion, I did this text in Canada west coast, my conclusion is that it prove that many people would help stranger So the human nature is good But the problem is : how do we have crimminals like Serial killer Drug seller Or big crime criminal why do they do what they do And is education part of the reason My conclusion is that education may be a factor but some people are highly educated they also perform bad things.. Eg lehman brother collapse, enron , and many accounting scandals So what can you do to text human natue? So what is the reason why people are bad eg break the law, steal I actually know of a rich kid who like to steal despite he live in luxury So is it because he just have too much time I do not know I am fascinated with the human mind and want to understand why people do the things they do. Classes like brain and behaviour. Ubc has a brain research center and it is very interesting what we know genes, or mri study Our psychology students are taught how to look carefully at behaviour So what is the cause of brain illness Drug additiction, Alcohol use What is lonely? Envy Can human develop a brain machine like elon musk insert a cjip into your brain would that enhance your brain and gain exposure to basic principles such as motivation, memory, thinking, sensation, and perception.

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Friday, May 20, 2022

‎Mary Ellen Schesser‎ to A+ mobile acpuncture 6047109668 dr jule rao May 20 at 1:58pm Dr. Julie is magic, a healer, an amazing woman, and the best accupuncturist I have ever seen. She has totally flipped my health and it is a blessing for her other clients that we found her. smart ,mensa ,iq, education, clinic, dr, julie, rao, cancer treatment

‎Mary Ellen Schesser‎ to A+ mobile acpuncture 6047109668 dr jule rao May 20 at 1:58pm Dr. Julie is magic, a healer, an amazing woman, and the best accupuncturist I have ever seen. She has totally flipped my health and it is a blessing for her other clients that we found her. smart ,mensa ,iq, education, clinic, dr, julie, rao, cancer treatment

references>>>>>> ‎Mary Ellen Schesser‎ to A+ mobile acpuncture 6047109668 dr jule rao May 20 at 1:58pm Dr. Julie is magic, a healer, an amazing woman, and the best accupuncturist I have ever seen. She has totally flipped my health and it is a blessing for her other clients that we found her. smart ,mensa ,iq, education, clinic, dr, julie, rao, cancer treatment

clinic dr jule rao text 6047109668 bc licensed canada ,,, May 21 at 10:32am · ‎Mary Ellen Schesser‎ to A+ mobile acpuncture 6047109668 dr jule rao May 20 at 1:58pm Dr. Julie is magic, a healer, an amazing woman, and the best accupuncturist I have ever seen. She has totally flipped my health and it is a blessing for her other clients that we found her. smart ,mensa ,iq, education, clinic, dr, julie, rao, cancer treatment Booksellers (SoFunB) is a new program component of the Book Fund (ConnectBigFun) that will provide 2 years of support in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 to help booksellers increase their online sales for -authored books and improve their business model for online sale email ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Learn More secretsofsupersmartprepares your child for success! Philosophy Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace call 604............. 604 7109668 book doctor for you over 100 years experiences combine click to win $**** Like · Reply · 1 · 2y · Edited Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace Remedy pharmacy Burnaby Unihealth Clinic west Vancouver Tai chi Clinic Broadway Granville + Broadway Cook road, Richmond Pain research treatment center Like · Reply · 1y · Edited Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace WELCOME TO MOBILE ACUPUNCTURE Professional and Fully Qualified Acupuncture Practitioners To Your Home Mobile Acupuncture provides Acupuncture, Acupressure, Electo-Acupuncture and other associated therapies from qualified professionals direct to you in the comfort of your own home. Our aim is to provide affordable treatments to all sectors of the community we regularly have promotions and discounts available as well as concessions for housebound patients. Acupuncture for pain relief, Acupuncture for fertility, and Acupuncture to stop smoking are just some of the more popular requ...See More Like · Reply · 22w how to write a ficition book?? Imagine you are a magician, imagine you are a doctor with super power show result ,what is the successful person image or a family who came from crisis , are you the best sports person? are you a super hero to teach world peace ? think like a super hero tell the world , hero for fighting crime , ?scientist who can create anti aging? how to write a fiction book or a sci ficition try Writing fiction is not as hard , do you have an idea? how to generate an idea? use mind mapping!! tony bunzen book ,as it seems, who is the best ficition writer or tv show sci ficition or star trek? as long as you follow these simple rules: Show, the world , watch cartoon be brave, be imaginative ,don't tell. ...a violent story try peace Create world peace characters. ...we all need world peace Choose a point of view. why war , is war useless or useful ... Give your characters -world peace angel motivations. for peace or a super doctor that can heal illness eg facebook dr chan initiative , see what they did... Write what you know. ...,handy person, business man, insurance sales man clown, working in the cranival, working with people who has mental illness, life guard, car salesman web developer, No tears no fears get grant for the writer ,try, lulu .com for self pubilshing get the reader. ... rewrite but do not become a perfectionistic person Trust yourself. no one can please everyone, book online----------------------------------------> topdoctor yolahow do you define your Perfect Day? then live an imperfect day car accident rob by robbery attack by dog pepper spray by stranger met friend who never show up met new people and they are not reliable\ What would you do, just day dream who would you do it with myself family and close friends do i know many people since i am in north america for forty years , and how would you feel? without bad how do you know what is good Ask most people these questions is travel a success try that been there hitch car across canada you will get replies like: “a feeling of accomplishment,” are these really real or is it meaningless who cares about dr ken the comedian who cares about your high school medal who cares about if your high school win a tournament “a big business deal closed,” is it important just a work “a promotion at work,” “ or who cares just care about the money time with good friends, friends come and go ” “family time, even family time come and go ” and that mystical feeling of being in “the zone.” eg driving fast motorcycle bungie jump But how do you balance closing a business deal with spending quality time with loved ones no one can ay it is easy or getting a work promotion with family time? canada have shortage of high qualify people You can start by creating building blocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoyment went to a friend dinner how do i feel just like ,,,,,,,,,,anythig i have experencei n the past Albert Tan on letgo Albert Tan Vancouver E Sold 22h Negotiable Black White Blue Scoop Neck … how ecommerce change the world What's the meaning of life? it chnges over my life time,, I was almost all into sports swimming g and preparing to study … The only thing guaranteed in life is change. Whatever is difficult now (whatever seems impossible now) will change. Every winter turns into spring. Every storm runs out of rain, eventually. The one story every culture in the world agrees on is that the time a person feels it is impossible to go on ends up being the most important time in life. I t’s the hero’s journey. “ we are here for a reason eg janiotr or police or we make mistake. If it weren’t for hitting a reason to know what is good then we have what is bad what is good is all relative “rock bottom” when relative die it is bad feeling family most important or church I never would have had this amazing hill of life to climb back up.” is life a plateau Another thing everyone says honesty best policy (and everyone says it do not be a jerk because they’ve found it to be true, be a nice person there’s very little chance you are the singular exception you are one good person try your best one of my friend was in jail one church minister was in jail ) is that they’ve been able to find beauty in their struggle. why people commit crime greedy like quick money What began as a challenge because the impetus for finding their purpose. some people have no meaning in living “Without mistake how can we learn You are not at the end of your story. tomorrow is going to be better You are at the beginning. conversation with a 17 years old, he told me joy is to find the reason to live there are so many a accept you are unique be a volunteer care about a cause. doctor, medicine dentistry, food basic need why people care about non basic need when I was young I do not quite understand that,, I just want to be fit in to look cool or to follow how my group think is cool swimming in competiton dancing but dancing in club is it really fun going to concert is it really fun I think I do enjoy helping people I met some many unreliable people in my life, do not be one , never help you never on time never care , just take warning stay away from bad people Top 10 Most Famous People Sir Isaac Newton 1642–1727. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 1452–1519. William Shakespeare 1564–1616. Adolf Hitler 1889–1945. Paul the Apostle of Tarsus c. 5–c. A.D. 67. is this just western north American influence how about Confucius nobel laurate dr guo invent internet fiber optics tan ker keh foundation jimei university and chyu bank cheng wall who went to explore Asian china how tto define signicant contribution to humanity problem is the computer design not the human redesign computer interface---------- worry about the computer additction generation.................. books that you must read DR ALBERT EISNTEIN TAN WHY IS THERE A UNIVERSE FINANCIAL HEDGING STOCHASTIC MODEL JOYSCIENCE WHY WE CREATE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE CONDITIONING-A BAD PARENTS ------- SOCIETY --BLIND FAITH TO MEDIA WHY YOU TRUST THE DOCTOR MEICAL ERRORS THAT KILL U Nineteen Eighty-Four Nineteen Eighty-Four May 1, 1984 Animal Farm Animal Farm Aug 17, 1945 The Alchemist The Alchemist 1988 Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice Jan 28, 1813 By: Topics: Entrepreneurship live a good life More posts about: Mindset can u win the lottery , Productivity try it fast use technology Perfect Day Formula live a goal try new How would you define your Perfect Day? get three meals ready and enjoy meet people sell some,thing What would you do, write a book who would you do it with invisible friend and how would you feel? depends Ask most people these questions i do not know i am afraid and you will get replies like…eg travel alone … a feeling of accomplishment, get a degree a big business deal closed, eg jack ma a promotion at work, never work for any one time with good friends, come 6048138423 family time and that mystical feeling of being in “the zone”. peace of mind But how do you balance closing a business deal with spending quality what is your goal time with loved ones or getting a work promotion with family time? just live When I think about my Perfect Day eg joke in jail you feel safe I am reminded of this quote by george tan be educted read books Dealing with Frustration different types asexual or hyper sexual for couples is it natural or learned on Your Own Masturbate. try toy Masturbation is often a taboo topic why is it , surrounded … 2.Working With a Partner r Discuss your needs. sometimes not a solution Chances are, if you’re in a relationship, you will … have to take cold shower 3.Finding Outlets get a robots to Release Frustration or see me Get physical. run Any sort of frustration (physical or otherwise) …eg after surgery body changes 4.Considering Other Causes of Frustration temperature Talk with your doctor. Some causes of sexual --learn to calm down frustration Approve Trash | Mark as Spam Water. •Food. •Shelter. •Energy. •Security. basic need dentistry medicine what kind of energy is need amish does s not need it shelter --do all human need shelter?that form homeless people never love it 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 The dr albert einstein sze wei tan Score is a method to quickly summarize the health of people or children against the extreme ] He worked with united nations Hospital, developed the score in 1990 to quantify the effects of belief, cultural education, to adults and babies. The score is determined by evaluating the person or baby on five simple criteria on a scale from zero to ten , then summing up the five values thus obtained. The resulting score ranges from zero to 50. The five criteria are summarized using words chosen to form a score (Appearance, Pulse, goodness , Activity, Respiration). appearance physical ,,,,,,,,,,,, pulse communication skills fear in social situation work and meaning compromise or stubborn bad person - a person who does harm to others eg police sometimes love to kill because they need to . individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do". offender, wrongdoe whole world law are different r - a person who transgresses moral or civil law. law is subject to change bad egg - (old-fashioned slang) a bad person. bad odour person doctor who charge too much dentist who over charge pharmacy who make wrong medicine ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Nothing gives a person inner wholeness and peace like a distinct understanding of where they are going. but i have met people who thinkt here is no meaning in life R, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” really just happy just do charity work or nothng In order to get somewhere, do you need a goal peace and harmony you need to define your end goal. no need no goal just to live or is it or if you are in serious pain should you endure pain every day have you been seriously pain That is essential. And the sooner you define it, we have different society in the world live in so many many places and the place of happy the clearer everything else will become. nil or nothing A life without a purpose is a life without a destination. Finding the right direction in life is an existential problem for all of us. or what is it What do you look forward to in life? pain can you indure pain can dentist save you from pain or if you are ................... can you stand it elon musk-------------------what u going today , what reason you want to give yourself?? need partners need to establish chiyu bank medical we can set up a clini c , mobile to make sure the people are safe, sound live long and kids are safe plan set up space dr Julie rao and group team will do the medical treatment 1 here on earth 2 call me 6048138423 3 sjc st josephs college think like jesus 4 lake is fun 5 pick no enemy 6 rate yourself i am strong 7 king of peace 8 king of no war 9 peace in the mind ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Person A: Every week he cheats on his wife. again is a man with many wifes bad macau billionaire has many wifes He has stolen over $500 from his friends but he repay many girl friends that is worth many times over how many times a girl friend is worth or knowledge and tan family has educated many students over a span of eight eighty years . As a kid, he was a bully, he likes bull chicago because he is an ox in zodiac sign and as an adult, he isn't much better. Person B: A neurosurgeon who has saved hundreds of lives over the course of eight years. He has a wife who says he is a great man and even though he works long hours, he gives her all the attention she needs. He has never missed a dance recital or baseball game for either of his two children. that is fantasy or is there such a person saint dr albert einstein sze wei tan jesus moses, mother theresa , george tan and buddha ancient teaching of the tribe tan be educated e firm be cost conscious be independent be freegan be open minded be free spirited ,be a child in the era of happy humanese human was good, the human only need food and food and air and water, then human society change to have all sorts of need want and desire ie hard to understand cave man fun drawing and respect the authority become ??????? how to change the society slowly a not haste ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ENJOYMENT AND BAD HABITS is watching tc all the time bad is internet additiction bad game pc game not read any useful books no literacy basic reading writing join fun have a sense of no direction delusional no plan no knowledge no goal gambling believe in anything no evidence `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` a controversial topic, so how can one answer because there is no real answer????????? Approve “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Marley’s wisdom, it seems, knew no limits- much like the near-magical capacities of music. music for pain relief Music’s Healing History While many can attest to the positive impact of music on their emotional wellbeing, the role of music as a therapeutic tool is less understood and perhaps less accepted, though the idea traces all the way back to ancient Greece. Ancient Greek philosophers were convinced that music could be used therapeutically. This belief was put into practice when those suffering from manic episodes were treated with flute music, and those plagued with symptoms of depression were instructed to listen to dulcimer music. Ancient Greeks were even said to treat hangovers with music. When Plato ascended to respect and power in Greek society, he too, lauded the effects of music, considering tunes to be “the medicine of the soul.” He also stated that the harmony of music could positively (or negatively) impact ‘earthly souls.’ Throughout the ages, the ancients were said to treat a multitude of ailments with the healing tunes of music. Some examples include the biblical King Saul, who was cured of his depressive symptoms by the harp music of David. Other examples include Native American Indian use of music during traditional rituals, which they believed had healing properties. The Middle Ages brought their own practitioners of music with St. Basil, who believed music an integral component of improving morality and Cassiodorus, who acknowledged that music was cathartic. The use of music as a healing agent continued into the Renaissance, with Italian music theorist Zarlino attesting to music’s ability to treat symptoms like pain, depression and even the plague. Why Vibration Matters in Healing & Pain Relief While the healing quality of music may or may not depend on the listener’s personal preference, the key to the healing power of tunes lies in the frequency of the music’s vibrations. In the Medieval age, Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo developed a special scale (the Solfeggio scale) which was used most famously to comprise a hymn to John the Baptist, that was used in many services. The hymn is comprised of six successive notes on the music scale, meaning that each line is sung a degree higher than the last line. Today, we know this scale more popularly (thanks to The Sound of Music) as Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti. They were taken from the first stanza of the hymn: Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum Solve polluti Labii reatum Sancte Iohannes The literal translation from Latin is as follows: “In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.” The translation suggests that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine. During the 1970s, the tones were discovered to have six electro-magnetic sound frequencies which are now associated with various changes in emotional states. The Solfeggio Frequencies UT – 396 Hz – turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear RE – 417 Hz – undoing situations & facilitating change MI – 528 Hz – transformation & miracles, repairing DNA FA – 639 Hz – relationship, connecting with spiritual family SOL – 741 Hz – expression/solutions, cleaning & solving LA – 852 Hz – returning to spiritual order Notably, the frequency 528 hz (Mi) is associated with healing and transformation, as well as an increased presence of clarity, intention and awareness. Additionally, frequency 174 hz is often considered a natural anaesthetic, and is said to reduce physical and emotional pain. It is also the lowest of the tones. Those who are attuned to the benefits of the Solfeggio scale actively seek out these tones and use them in meditation or mindfulness sessions and even as a backdrop when practicing yoga or other mindful exercises. Though instrumental and popular music are also associated with calming tendencies as we will later explore, the healing presence of the Solfeggio scales are generally found in music targeted to meditation, as the tones have largely been forgotten in popular music composition. Meditative tunes incorporating the Solfeggio scales are often found for use in a meditation or yoga practice, or just as a soothing backdrop to everyday life. Healing Harmonies & Music for Pain Relief While many skeptics may dismiss the holistic approach of music for pain relief, the use of music to alleviate symptoms and promote well-being is becoming an increasingly legitimate health tool. A recent study from Harvard University has supported music’s tangible role in healing. Dr. Anthony Komaroff, of Harvard Medical School, has attested to music’s ability to improve patient’s mental function after strokes, to improve balance and coordination in patients and to alleviate high heart rate and blood pressure in heart attack survivors. Music also plays an undeniable role in pain management, beyond personal testimonials of pain reduction after listening to music. A recent study of patients undergoing urologic surgery with anesthesia determined that patients who listened to music during the procedure needed less supplementary intravenous anesthesia. Another study, involving cataract surgery, patients were awake during the procedure. Some wore headphones and listened to Mozart sonatas, while some wore headphones, but listened to no music. Those who listened to music during their surgery needed sizably less sedative than those who did not. The music listeners also had lower heart rates, blood pressure and less stress hormone (adrenaline and cytokine interleukin-6) present in their blood during the procedure. ``````````````````````````````````````1. Exercise more – but too ,much is horrible seven minutes might be enough You might have seen some talk recently about the scientific seven minute workout mentioned in The New York Times. so it too much bad a dislcocated should a injury by soccer blind by soccer disabled by soccer skate board accidents motorcycle injury paralyed for life so it So if you thought exercise was something you didn’t have time for, maybe you can fit it in after all. what tis fit is it ad by the media how we are train to believe or is it just instinct some people need more some need less Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness or is it over hype look at allthe sports drinks, sports lclothing or the way you look is determine by consensus or media look at the media look at how they want you to believe or is it important Tan Albert Dr Call nowGet directions Tan Albert Dr Medical Clinic in richmond Add business hours Call (604) 813-8423 Edit Header PhotoHeader image for the site Services Edit Services EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. CA$399.00 EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. CA$333.00 EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. Each session begins with you guiding the process by sharing what you are experiencing in your life and in your body. Next you set a goal for the session. Based on this, the Integrative Energy Healing practitioner selects from a range of treatments which will best address your needs.The Integrative Energy Healing practitioner uses their hands to balance and clear the energy moving through and around your body. IEH is equally beneficial with or without direct physical touch. Using awareness dialogue, the practitioner will encourage you to be an active participant in your own healing process. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions. What are the benefits of Integrative Energy Healing?•IEH is beneficial in relieving both physical and emotional pain. •IEH helps to strengthen the immune system and build resistance to disease. •IEH as Testimonials Verify your business to add reviews For verified businesses, we feature your positive reviews from Google users on your website. You can reach out to former customers and let them know they can review your business on Google. Verify now to turn on this feature. Verify now About us Tell customers about the qualities and products that set your business apart Gallery Add photos, menu images, and other pictures to tell the story of your business add images Contact Us Explore this Article is happy a state of mind or is it conditioning by early childhood or media influences Developing a Happy Outlook---------influenced by so many media ad, do u really need 49 pairs of shoes a 450000 piano, a ferrari is it a need or a want Living Happily just how millions of people we can all change ,,,,,,,how do we do it Interacting with Others or none Article to be isolated Summary of peace and quiet day Questions is it noise that make you stress & try quiet day Answers Related Articles References Happiness is not a simple goal but child are happy , but is about making progress, \or in some culture none is technology makin gme better when it's as elusive as ever. Being happy best jobs in the world Table of contents food blogger food critique pay to eat 1. Chocolate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, consultant for art Beer,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tasters similiar to food reviewer sculptor coroner or creamation Caretaker no customer complaint Cleaner for mortuary Professional Sleeper for drug companies sample 7 Submarine - hide and hide worker cook for mental illness ----they cannot tell the differeneces ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 18,000,000,000,000 divided by 350,000,000 or 18,000,000 divided by 350 or 1,800,000 divided by 35 = 51,428 so it is very little debt why get serious usa debt is not a big deal is it usa has 18 trillion debt do you follow the logic my investment account has more debt than 50,000 borrow to invest b debt is good~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about Quiet Day do u talk too much Noise is everywhere is it too much compute game all the time is it too much , on the crowded train, is it crowded in the busy office, is quiet a luxury in the pub, why we need pub i do nt drink so i do not goto pub the school playground, some culture talking too much is bad eg japanese cannot allow talk to much on subway and even at home. i talk too much We simply can’t seem to get away from a talking culture talk is cheap just doit the buzz of everyday life. tress is too much Sometimes it’s just all too much. how many cd you have report this ad verse noise We know that peace and quiet is your restaurant too loud when you goto apple store is it too loud is the rock concert too lud why you need so much noise QUIET are good for the both the body and the mind overstimulation, but it’s increasingly difficult in today’s world to experience real quiet, and that’s why a abnormalNational Quiet Day is so important. “ Everything that’s created comes out of silence just go diving in the pool no noise Your thoughts emerge from too much noise the nothingness of silence. why noise Your words come out of this voice why are you afriad of quiet . Your very essence emerged from emptiness . All creativity requires some stillness.silliness or crazy Wayne Dyer strange book he wrote Every day we are surrounded by the chatter in the mall on TV, from the noise the radio too much gossip even our friends and family. Few are the opportunities we have to engage in a little quiet just quiet contemplation, try n speaking giving our vocal chords a rest to simply listen to the world around us and just quiet or buy nothing day or repair day and simply experience it. Quiet Day is dedicated to crazy quiet taking a little time to free your voice and mind from kids yelling just wasting time no wisdom and knowledge from the rigors of conversation. History of Quiet Day Quiet Day was established silence is goldern to remind us to slow down are the city too fast and give silence a chance . During this celebration, you are encouraged to simply not speak, and preferably to take a chance to not communicate at all. The sounds of our voices, and in fact our active interaction with others has served to keep us spiritually silent and separated from the world around us, and in some odd ways from the very people we interact with every day. Quiet Day allows you to engage the world around you by removing the shield that is the wall of words we use every day. In India, there are meditation retreats where time is spent kneeling and in contemplation, sometimes as many as 10 days in succession. These are called Vipassana retreats, a word which means “to see things as they really are”, and comes from ancient Buddhist practices. While Quiet Day is just one day, the principles included in these retreats can be applied to your one day of silence. The peace and clarity it can bring has the possibility of opening your mind to things about your life that have long since been buried in verbal noise. How to Celebrate Quiet Day The best way to celebrate Quiet Day is to head somewhere to experience your time in silence uninterrupted. If the weather is pleasant you can head out to a park or to walk among the trees, just getting out in nature and letting your mind wander and find peace. If you must go in and go to work or encounter other people, carry a card that says “I’m spending a day in silence.” that you can flash, letting people know that you are attempting to not speak for the day. Let Quiet Day be your vacation from vocalization! Peace and quiet is good for you, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that taking time for quiet can have a positive effect on your body and in some cases can even lower blood pressure and reduce the heart rate. However, it is increasingly difficult in today’s world to experience real quiet, and that’s why we are establishing the first ever Quiet Day. In these busy times, more people are suffering from stress. Often made worse by the relentless invasion of unwanted noise in our lives, stress levels can be lowered by reducing your exposure to noise and taking a little sanctuary in silence. Also on this date... Seeking Alpha SUBSCRIBE Portfolio People News Analysis Sign in / Join Now The Relationship Between Options Trading Volume and Stock Price Movements Aug. 14, 2006 12:49 PM ET Paul Kedrosky Paul Kedrosky Follow (26,386 followers) While option traders often get a bad rap as risk-seeking crazies with the attention span of Mary Hart, a paper summarized in yesterday's Times shows how an option piggy-back strategy turns in impressive numbers.mary hart Assuming you have the size and can therefore deal with high portfolio turnover, a naive volume-following option strategy turned in 50% annualized returns over the last fifteen years: “ We present strong evidence that option trading volume contains information about future stock price movements. Taking advantage of a unique dataset from the Chicago Board Options Exchange, we construct put-call ratios from option volume initiated by buyers to open new positions. On a risk-adjusted basis, stocks with low put-call ratios outperform stocks with high put-call ratios by more than 40 basis points on the next day and more than 1% over the next week. Partitioning our option signals into components that are publicly and non-publicly observable, we find that the economic source of this predictability is non-public information possessed by option traders rather than market inefficiency. We also find greater predictability from option signals for stocks with higher concentrations of informed traders and from option contracts with greater leverage. Like this article Recommended for you: Kyla Scanlon The 5G Story: How To Profit From The Technological Evolution Kyla Scanlon • May 2, 2019 8:45 AM ET Achilles Research Annaly Capital Management: Dividend Cut Achilles Research • May 3, 2019 6:35 AM ET Gary Gordon Here's What Will Cause The Next Recession Gary Gordon • May 1, 2019 11:32 AM ET Steven Fiorillo Enbridge: This 6% Income Machine Is A Dividend Seekers Dream low dental cost service Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace 什么针灸可以治疗 针灸和中国药都在多种疾病的治疗非常成功。许多人试图针灸和东方医学作为“最后手段”,以严肃和复杂的医疗问题,并发现它可以在其他治疗方法不能帮助他们。 针灸也经常被用来作为一种预防性药物。很多人看到自己的针灸师一年只有2-4次为一个“调”或“平衡”的待遇。这可以预防疾病,促进健康,能量和活力。 你的针灸师将要看看你的病情发作,看看你的宪法的诊断是什么,以确定是否东方医学可以帮助你。每个案例都是独特的,这将是很难决定如何有效的针灸会为你没有一个全面的评估。请联系您所在地的几个执照针灸师进行咨询,以找到最适合的医生为您服务。 通常治疗针灸什么问题?...See More Like · Reply · 2y Thomas Chow · Coledale Public School Like · Reply · 48w Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace Cancer and the Immune System --how acpuncture chinese medicine can improve well being Effective immune function is important for both fighting cancer and preventing cancer in patients at high risk. Natural therapies that enhance immune function include medicinal mushrooms, astragalus, probiotics, vitamin D, intravenous vitamin C, and energy healing therapy. Cancer is thought to affect approximately two in five Canadians at some point during their lifetime. While cancer can be an intimidating diagnosis, it’s important to be aware of supporting natural strategies at our disposal to help fight this diagnosis. One of the key avenues is strengthening immune function so the body can target cancer cells more effectively. world health orgaization has endore acpuncture as effective therapy for quite a few form of cancer. dr julie rao has a treatment plan for chemotherapy side efects and improve well being pain reduction and wellness improvement treatment Like · Reply · 25w Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace cancer recovery program - one year program for sick who has surgery, chemo side effects Like · Reply · 10w Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace sports exercises integrative reconnection energy healing Integrative Energy Healing offers a safe and effective way to bring healing into your life through natural means. dr albert tan Like · Reply · 1y · Edited Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace buy my music ? sleep well send $29 to 5490 rosss t vancouver bc v5w3k9 canada email mp3 to u ,please include email address Like · Reply · 2y Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace remedy pharmacy hasting willingdon clinic 6047109668 by appointment benefits of natural healing ---------------no side effects Like · Reply · 2y Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace 中国传统医学是一个完整的医疗系统,该系统能够诊断并成功治疗各种条件,包括: (这绝不是什么针灸和中国传统医学能治疗的完整列表。) 眼,耳,鼻,咽喉疾病 鼻窦炎 喉咙痛 花粉过敏 耳疼 神经性耳聋...See More Like · Reply · 2y Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace 物质从大约15 20斤有机种植的水果和蔬菜充斥身体每天。大多数用于使新鲜原汁,可达每小时一层玻璃,每天最多13倍。生熟固体食物慷慨地消费。充氧通常是增加了一倍以上,如血液中的氧气不足造成许多退化性疾病。新陈代谢也通过另外甲状腺,钾等补充剂,和通过避免重动物脂肪,过量的蛋白质,钠和其他毒素的刺激。 退行性疾病呈现体越来越不能充分排泄废物材料,通常导致肝和肾功能衰竭。本格森疗法采用清热解毒密集,消除废物,再生肝脏,激活免疫系统,恢复人体的必需防御 - 酶,矿物质和激素系统。慷慨的,高品质的营养,增加氧气供应,解毒,改善新陈代谢,细胞 - 和身体 - 可以再生,变得健康和防止未来疾病。 榨汁 从原料的食品的新鲜榨汁提供提供高品质的营养最简单,最有效的方法。经榨汁,患者可以在营养成分和酶每天从近15磅的农产品,在一个方式,很容易消化和吸收。dr julie rao 604 710 9668 Like · Reply · 2y May Liang · University of British Columbia Best. Ubc Like · Reply · 1y Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace Scientific researchers and clinicians have been conducting clinical trials on the use of acupuncture for neck pain since the 1980’s and recent studies show even greater support for the use of acupuncture in alleviating chronic neck pain. One recent pilot study conducted at the Kyunghee University Medical Center in Seoul, Korea found that acupuncture given three times a week was as effective as 80 mg of NSAIDs (think Tylenol here) taken daily for chronic neck pain1. Wow! Another study including nearly 18,000 patients found acupuncture to be highly effective for the treatment of back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, and chronic headaches2. The patients receiving acupuncture had remarkably better results than patients receiving “sham” acupuncture. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic recommends acupuncture as a relevant, safe, & useful form of alternative medicine for relieving neck pain3. Like · Reply · 1y Albert Sze Wei Tan · Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace world health org science evidence in 1979 WHO official position Author: Bartosz Chmielnicki MD (translation: Elżbieta Torbus) Summary In 2003 World Health Organization published a report about clinical trials researching the effectiveness of acupuncture. More than one hundred indication were discussed and divided into four groups concerning the strength of existing evidence. Introduction It was June 1979 when World Health Organisation conducted a symposium on acupuncture in Bejing, China. Doctors who participated in this symposium created a list of 43 diseases that might benefit from acupuncture. This list however was not based on well design clinical trials with appropriate control. The need for performing such studies was mentioned. Almost twenty years later, in 1997, National Institutes of Health published Consensus Statement, summarizing the state of knowledge drawn from clinical trial concerning acupuncture efficacy. The Authors concluded that there were “promising results showing efficacy of acupuncture in adult postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and in postoperative dental pain” In other conditions, mostly various kinds of pain, acupuncture “might be useful as an adjunct treatment or an acceptable alternative” One year before publication of statement mentioned above, the meeting of scientists, called WHO Consultation on Acupuncture, was organized in beautiful Italian town of Cervia. That meeting resulted in creation of official report on the effectiveness of acupuncture based on data from controlled clinical trials. The report was finally published in 2003. The results of 255 trials published before the end of 1998 or beginning of 1999 were included. Indications Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been proved – through controlled trials—to be an effective treatment: 1 Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy 2 Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever) 3 Biliary colic 4 Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke) 5 Dysentery, acute bacillary 6 Dysmenorrhoea, primary 7 Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm) 8 Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders) 9 Headache 10 Hypertension, essential 11 Hypotension, primary 12 Induction of labour 13 Knee pain 14 Leukopenia 15 Low back pain You will have the opportunity to come visit our clinic and learn more about our philosophy for preparing your wellness for success. Tweet , US Make a free website with

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idea invest finance chiyu group 100 years chiyu bank jimei university idea patent finance prototype manufacture production marketing dralberttansuperchina Partner with chiyu bank 对于有创意的项目融资平台。 这些是我们的准则: 目必须适应它到我们的类别之一。 我们的类别是艺术,漫画,舞蹈,设计,时装,电影,食品,游戏,音乐,摄影,出版,科技,和剧院。 能提供股 d Partner with chiyu bank of china 对于有创意的项目融资平台。 这些是我们的准则: 目必须适应它到我们的类别之一。 我们的类别是艺术,漫画,舞蹈,设计,时装,电影,食品,游戏,音乐,摄影,出版,科技,和剧院。 能提供股 能承诺捐赠募集资金或未来收入的一部分的原因。 能用来购买房地产。 能提供转基因生物作为奖励。 无自救材料( ,健康,医 的敏感套例外 - 比如盐和胡椒瓶,笔记本电脑,积木等。 。 inventor Click here what is your idea, can you submit a youtube or picture, do you have a prototype? email Our partner will reveal your idea and see if it has any problem or is it patent - able our fee= Contact Us = investor = Name of investor Email Phone Message = number of share to buy FINANCE We offer a service to sell shares to investor for your idea example::::::: idea a 1000 per share and max limit is $5,000000 each investor shares share the future revenue of the idea. About Us We are experienced, highly qualified, and discreet professionals, with excellent references and a broad range of project training. Services We have years of experience to help you get the job done. When you want to get your finances, your taxes, your home or your business organized, we are here to assist you. Contact us now. enter%20here%20for%20education invest idea Dr Albert Tan has the experience to help you grow!加中国际 签证 移民 留学 越洋教育 签证 移民 留学 房产过户,生意买卖,法律咨询,各类公证-列志文安卓律师事务所 温哥华马自达Mazda汽车买卖 十八年温哥华天空信息版 陈元富,生意网,销售及市场推广,专业地产 润道留学移民,专注留学生移民多年,专业提供留学、工签、就业、移民一条龙服务 機票、包車、機場接送、邮轮、旅游、酒店 及 順道游 商业住宅装修 新居搬家 168搬家,达人搬运 地产卖房 新海岸 现金收车 Contact Us Name Email Phone Message Tweet , US Make a free website with

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