Friday, May 20, 2022

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idea invest finance chiyu group 100 years chiyu bank jimei university idea patent finance prototype manufacture production marketing dralberttansuperchina Partner with chiyu bank 对于有创意的项目融资平台。 这些是我们的准则: 目必须适应它到我们的类别之一。 我们的类别是艺术,漫画,舞蹈,设计,时装,电影,食品,游戏,音乐,摄影,出版,科技,和剧院。 能提供股 d Partner with chiyu bank of china 对于有创意的项目融资平台。 这些是我们的准则: 目必须适应它到我们的类别之一。 我们的类别是艺术,漫画,舞蹈,设计,时装,电影,食品,游戏,音乐,摄影,出版,科技,和剧院。 能提供股 能承诺捐赠募集资金或未来收入的一部分的原因。 能用来购买房地产。 能提供转基因生物作为奖励。 无自救材料( ,健康,医 的敏感套例外 - 比如盐和胡椒瓶,笔记本电脑,积木等。 。 inventor Click here what is your idea, can you submit a youtube or picture, do you have a prototype? email Our partner will reveal your idea and see if it has any problem or is it patent - able our fee= Contact Us = investor = Name of investor Email Phone Message = number of share to buy FINANCE We offer a service to sell shares to investor for your idea example::::::: idea a 1000 per share and max limit is $5,000000 each investor shares share the future revenue of the idea. About Us We are experienced, highly qualified, and discreet professionals, with excellent references and a broad range of project training. Services We have years of experience to help you get the job done. When you want to get your finances, your taxes, your home or your business organized, we are here to assist you. Contact us now. enter%20here%20for%20education invest idea Dr Albert Tan has the experience to help you grow!加中国际 签证 移民 留学 越洋教育 签证 移民 留学 房产过户,生意买卖,法律咨询,各类公证-列志文安卓律师事务所 温哥华马自达Mazda汽车买卖 十八年温哥华天空信息版 陈元富,生意网,销售及市场推广,专业地产 润道留学移民,专注留学生移民多年,专业提供留学、工签、就业、移民一条龙服务 機票、包車、機場接送、邮轮、旅游、酒店 及 順道游 商业住宅装修 新居搬家 168搬家,达人搬运 地产卖房 新海岸 现金收车 Contact Us Name Email Phone Message Tweet , US Make a free website with

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