Friday, May 20, 2022
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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how to write a ficition book?? Imagine you are a magician,
imagine you are a doctor with super power
show result ,what is the successful person image or a family who came from crisis , are you the best sports person?
are you a super hero to teach world peace ? think like a super hero tell the world , hero for fighting crime , ?scientist who can create anti aging?
how to write a fiction book or a sci ficition try
Writing fiction is not as hard ,
do you have an idea?
how to generate an idea? use mind mapping!! tony bunzen book ,as it seems,
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or tv show
sci ficition or star trek?
as long as you follow these simple rules:
Show, the world , watch cartoon be brave, be imaginative ,don't tell. ...a violent story try peace
Create world peace characters. ...we all need world peace
Choose a point of view. why war , is war useless or useful ...
Give your characters -world peace angel
motivations. for peace or a super doctor that can heal illness
eg facebook dr chan initiative , see what they did...
Write what you know. ...,handy person, business man, insurance sales man clown, working in the cranival, working with people who has mental illness, life guard, car salesman
web developer,
No tears no fears get grant for the writer ,try, lulu .com for self pubilshing get the reader. ...
rewrite but do not become a perfectionistic person
Trust yourself. no one can please everyone,
book online---------------------------------------->
topdoctor yolahow do you define your Perfect Day? then live an imperfect day
car accident
rob by robbery
attack by dog
pepper spray by stranger
met friend who never show up
met new people and they are not reliable\
What would you do,
just day dream
who would you do it with
and close friends
do i know many people since i am in north america for forty years , and how would you feel? without bad how do you know what is good
Ask most people these questions
is travel a success
try that
been there
hitch car across
you will get replies like: “a feeling of accomplishment,”
are these really real
or is it meaningless
who cares about dr ken the comedian
who cares about your high school medal
who cares about if your high school win a tournament
“a big business deal closed,”
is it important just a work
“a promotion at work,” “
or who cares just care about the money time with good friends,
friends come and go ”
“family time,
even family time come and go
” and that mystical feeling of being in “the zone.” eg driving fast motorcycle bungie jump
But how do you balance closing a business deal with spending quality time with loved ones
no one can ay it is easy or getting a work promotion with family time?
canada have shortage of high qualify people
You can start by creating building blocks
enjoyment went to a friend dinner how do i feel
just like ,,,,,,,,,,anythig i have experencei n the past
Albert Tan on letgo Albert Tan Vancouver E Sold 22h Negotiable Black White Blue Scoop Neck …
how ecommerce change the world
What's the meaning of life? it chnges over my life time,, I was almost all into sports swimming g and preparing to study …
The only thing guaranteed in life is change. Whatever is difficult now (whatever seems impossible now) will change. Every winter turns into spring. Every storm runs out of rain, eventually.
The one story every culture in the world agrees on is that the time a person feels it is impossible to go on ends up being the most important time in life. I
t’s the hero’s journey. “
we are here for a reason
eg janiotr
or police
or we make mistake.
If it weren’t for hitting
a reason to know what is good then we have what is bad what is good is all relative
“rock bottom”
when relative die it is bad feeling
family most important or church
I never would have had this amazing hill of life to climb back up.”
is life a plateau
Another thing everyone says
honesty best policy
(and everyone says it
do not be a jerk
because they’ve found it to be true,
be a nice person
there’s very little chance you are the singular exception
you are one good person try your best one of my friend was in jail
one church minister was in jail
) is that they’ve been able to find beauty in their struggle.
why people commit crime
like quick money
What began as a challenge because the impetus for finding their purpose.
some people have no meaning in living
“Without mistake how can we learn
You are not at the end of your story.
tomorrow is going to be better
You are at the beginning.
conversation with a 17 years old, he told me joy is to find the reason to live
there are so many
a accept you are unique
be a volunteer
care about a cause. doctor, medicine dentistry, food basic need
why people care about non basic need
when I was young I do not quite understand that,, I just want to be fit in to look cool
or to follow how my group think is cool
swimming in competiton
but dancing in club is it really fun
going to concert is it really fun
I think I do enjoy helping people
I met some many unreliable people in my life, do not be one , never help you never on time never care , just take
warning stay away from bad people
Top 10 Most Famous People
Sir Isaac Newton 1642–1727.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 1452–1519.
William Shakespeare 1564–1616.
Adolf Hitler 1889–1945.
Paul the Apostle of Tarsus c. 5–c. A.D. 67.
is this just western north American influence
how about
nobel laurate dr guo invent internet fiber optics
tan ker keh foundation jimei university and chyu bank
cheng wall who went to explore Asian china
how tto define signicant contribution to humanity
problem is the computer design not the human redesign computer interface----------
worry about the computer additction generation..................
books that you must read
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Nineteen Eighty-Four
May 1, 1984
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
Aug 17, 1945
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Jan 28, 1813
By: Topics: Entrepreneurship live a good life More posts about: Mindset
can u win the lottery , Productivity try it fast
use technology
Perfect Day Formula live a goal try new
How would you define your Perfect Day? get three meals ready and enjoy meet people sell some,thing
What would you do,
write a book who would you do it with
invisible friend and how would you feel? depends
Ask most people these questions
i do not know
i am afraid and you will get replies like…eg travel alone
… a feeling of accomplishment,
get a degree
a big business deal closed, eg jack ma a promotion at work,
never work for any one time with good friends,
come 6048138423 family time and that mystical feeling of being in “the zone”.
peace of mind
But how do you balance closing a business deal with spending quality
what is your goal
time with loved ones or getting a work promotion with family time?
just live
When I think about my Perfect Day
eg joke in jail you feel safe I am reminded of this quote by
george tan be educted
read books
Dealing with Frustration
different types
asexual or hyper sexual
for couples
is it natural or learned
on Your Own Masturbate.
try toy
Masturbation is often a taboo topic why is it , surrounded …
2.Working With a Partner r Discuss your needs. sometimes not a solution Chances are, if you’re in a relationship, you will …
have to take cold shower
3.Finding Outlets
get a robots to Release Frustration
or see me
Get physical.
Any sort of frustration (physical or otherwise) …eg after surgery body changes
4.Considering Other Causes of Frustration
Talk with your doctor. Some causes of sexual --learn to calm down frustration
Approve Trash | Mark as Spam
basic need
dentistry medicine
what kind of energy is need
amish does s not need it
shelter --do all human need shelter?that form homeless people never love it
The dr albert einstein sze wei tan Score is a method to quickly summarize the health of people or children against the extreme ] He worked with united nations Hospital, developed the score in 1990 to quantify the effects of belief, cultural education, to adults and babies.
The score is determined by evaluating the person or baby on five simple criteria on a scale from zero to ten , then summing up the five values thus obtained. The resulting score ranges from zero to 50. The five criteria are summarized using words chosen to form a score (Appearance, Pulse, goodness , Activity, Respiration).
appearance physical ,,,,,,,,,,,,
communication skills
fear in social situation
work and meaning
or stubborn
bad person - a person who does harm to others
eg police sometimes love to kill
because they need to
. individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do". offender, wrongdoe
whole world law are different r - a person who transgresses moral or civil law.
law is subject to change bad egg - (old-fashioned slang) a bad person.
bad odour person
doctor who charge too much
dentist who over charge
pharmacy who make wrong medicine
Nothing gives a person inner wholeness and peace like a distinct understanding of where they are going.
but i have met people who thinkt here is no meaning in life
R, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” really just happy
just do charity work
or nothng
In order to get somewhere,
do you need a goal
peace and harmony you need to define your end goal.
no need no goal just to live
or is it
or if you are in serious pain should you endure pain every day
have you been seriously pain That is essential. And the sooner you define it,
we have different society in the world live in so many many places and the place of happy
the clearer everything else will become. nil or nothing
A life without a purpose is a life without a destination.
Finding the right direction in life is an existential problem for all of us. or what is it
What do you look forward to in life?
pain can you indure pain
can dentist save you from pain
or if you are ................... can you stand it
elon musk-------------------what u going today , what reason you want to give yourself??
partners need to establish chiyu bank medical
we can set up a clini c , mobile to make sure the people are safe, sound live long and kids are safe
plan set up space
dr Julie rao and group team will do the medical treatment
1 here on earth
2 call me 6048138423
3 sjc st josephs college think like jesus
4 lake is fun
5 pick no enemy
6 rate yourself i am strong
7 king of peace
8 king of no war
9 peace in the mind
Person A: Every week he cheats on his wife.
again is a man with many wifes bad
macau billionaire has many wifes
He has stolen over $500 from his friends
but he repay many girl friends that is worth many times over
how many times a girl friend is worth
or knowledge
and tan family has educated many students over a span of eight eighty years
. As a kid, he was a bully,
he likes bull chicago
because he is an ox in zodiac sign and as an adult, he isn't much better.
Person B: A neurosurgeon who has saved hundreds of lives over the course of eight years. He has a wife who says he is a great man and even though he works long hours, he gives her all the attention she needs. He has never missed a dance recital or baseball game for either of his two children.
that is fantasy
or is there such a person saint dr albert einstein sze wei tan jesus moses, mother theresa , george tan and buddha
ancient teaching of the tribe tan
be educated
e firm
be cost conscious
be independent
be freegan
be open minded
be free spirited ,be a child
in the era of happy humanese human was good, the human only need food and food and air and water, then human society change to have all sorts of need want and desire ie hard to understand
cave man fun
drawing and respect the authority become ???????
how to change the society slowly a not haste
is watching tc all the time bad
is internet additiction bad
game pc game
not read any useful books
no literacy
basic reading writing
join fun
have a sense of no direction
no plan
no knowledge
no goal
believe in anything
no evidence
a controversial topic, so how can one answer because there is no real answer?????????
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
Marley’s wisdom, it seems, knew no limits- much like the near-magical capacities of music.
music for pain relief
Music’s Healing History
While many can attest to the positive impact of music on their emotional wellbeing, the role of music as a therapeutic tool is less understood and perhaps less accepted, though the idea traces all the way back to ancient Greece.
Ancient Greek philosophers were convinced that music could be used therapeutically. This belief was put into practice when those suffering from manic episodes were treated with flute music, and those plagued with symptoms of depression were instructed to listen to dulcimer music. Ancient Greeks were even said to treat hangovers with music.
When Plato ascended to respect and power in Greek society, he too, lauded the effects of music, considering tunes to be “the medicine of the soul.” He also stated that the harmony of music could positively (or negatively) impact ‘earthly souls.’
Throughout the ages, the ancients were said to treat a multitude of ailments with the healing tunes of music. Some examples include the biblical King Saul, who was cured of his depressive symptoms by the harp music of David.
Other examples include Native American Indian use of music during traditional rituals, which they believed had healing properties. The Middle Ages brought their own practitioners of music with St. Basil, who believed music an integral component of improving morality and Cassiodorus, who acknowledged that music was cathartic.
The use of music as a healing agent continued into the Renaissance, with Italian music theorist Zarlino attesting to music’s ability to treat symptoms like pain, depression and even the plague.
Why Vibration Matters in Healing & Pain Relief
While the healing quality of music may or may not depend on the listener’s personal preference, the key to the healing power of tunes lies in the frequency of the music’s vibrations.
In the Medieval age, Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo developed a special scale (the Solfeggio scale) which was used most famously to comprise a hymn to John the Baptist, that was used in many services.
The hymn is comprised of six successive notes on the music scale, meaning that each line is sung a degree higher than the last line. Today, we know this scale more popularly (thanks to The Sound of Music) as Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti.
They were taken from the first stanza of the hymn:
Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannes
The literal translation from Latin is as follows:
“In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.”
The translation suggests that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine.
During the 1970s, the tones were discovered to have six electro-magnetic sound frequencies which are now associated with various changes in emotional states.
The Solfeggio Frequencies
UT – 396 Hz – turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear
RE – 417 Hz – undoing situations & facilitating change
MI – 528 Hz – transformation & miracles, repairing DNA
FA – 639 Hz – relationship, connecting with spiritual family
SOL – 741 Hz – expression/solutions, cleaning & solving
LA – 852 Hz – returning to spiritual order
Notably, the frequency 528 hz (Mi) is associated with healing and transformation, as well as an increased presence of clarity, intention and awareness. Additionally, frequency 174 hz is often considered a natural anaesthetic, and is said to reduce physical and emotional pain. It is also the lowest of the tones.
Those who are attuned to the benefits of the Solfeggio scale actively seek out these tones and use them in meditation or mindfulness sessions and even as a backdrop when practicing yoga or other mindful exercises.
Though instrumental and popular music are also associated with calming tendencies as we will later explore, the healing presence of the Solfeggio scales are generally found in music targeted to meditation, as the tones have largely been forgotten in popular music composition.
Meditative tunes incorporating the Solfeggio scales are often found for use in a meditation or yoga practice, or just as a soothing backdrop to everyday life.
Healing Harmonies & Music for Pain Relief
While many skeptics may dismiss the holistic approach of music for pain relief, the use of music to alleviate symptoms and promote well-being is becoming an increasingly legitimate health tool.
A recent study from Harvard University has supported music’s tangible role in healing. Dr. Anthony Komaroff, of Harvard Medical School, has attested to music’s ability to improve patient’s mental function after strokes, to improve balance and coordination in patients and to alleviate high heart rate and blood pressure in heart attack survivors.
Music also plays an undeniable role in pain management, beyond personal testimonials of pain reduction after listening to music. A recent study of patients undergoing urologic surgery with anesthesia determined that patients who listened to music during the procedure needed less supplementary intravenous anesthesia.
Another study, involving cataract surgery, patients were awake during the procedure. Some wore headphones and listened to Mozart sonatas, while some wore headphones, but listened to no music.
Those who listened to music during their surgery needed sizably less sedative than those who did not. The music listeners also had lower heart rates, blood pressure and less stress hormone (adrenaline and cytokine interleukin-6) present in their blood during the procedure.
``````````````````````````````````````1. Exercise more – but too ,much is horrible seven minutes might be enough
You might have seen some talk recently about the scientific seven minute workout mentioned in The New York Times.
so it too much bad
a dislcocated should a injury by soccer blind by soccer
disabled by soccer
skate board accidents
motorcycle injury paralyed for life
so it So if you thought exercise was something you didn’t have time for, maybe you can fit it in after all.
what tis fit
is it ad
by the media how we are train to believe or is it just instinct
some people need more
some need less
Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness or is it over hype
look at allthe sports drinks, sports lclothing or the way you look is determine by consensus or media
look at the media look at how they want you to believe
or is it important
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EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
EH works with you to integrate all aspects of your health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. Each session begins with you guiding the process by sharing what you are experiencing in your life and in your body. Next you set a goal for the session. Based on this, the Integrative Energy Healing practitioner selects from a range of treatments which will best address your needs.The Integrative Energy Healing practitioner uses their hands to balance and clear the energy moving through and around your body. IEH is equally beneficial with or without direct physical touch. Using awareness dialogue, the practitioner will encourage you to be an active participant in your own healing process. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions. What are the benefits of Integrative Energy Healing?•IEH is beneficial in relieving both physical and emotional pain. •IEH helps to strengthen the immune system and build resistance to disease. •IEH as
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Explore this Article is happy a state of mind or is it conditioning by early childhood or media influences
Developing a Happy Outlook---------influenced by so many media ad, do u really need 49 pairs of shoes
a 450000 piano, a ferrari
is it a need or a want
Living Happily just how millions of people we can all change ,,,,,,,how do we do it
Interacting with Others or none
Article to be isolated Summary of peace and quiet day
Questions is it noise that make you stress &
try quiet day Answers
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Happiness is not a simple goal
but child are happy
, but is about making progress, \or in some culture none
is technology makin gme better when it's as elusive as ever.
Being happy
best jobs in the world
Table of contents food blogger food critique pay to eat
1. Chocolate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, consultant for art
Beer,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tasters
similiar to food reviewer
coroner or creamation Caretaker no customer complaint
Cleaner for mortuary
Professional Sleeper for drug companies sample
7 Submarine - hide and hide worker
cook for mental illness ----they cannot tell the differeneces
18,000,000,000,000 divided by 350,000,000 or
18,000,000 divided by 350 or
1,800,000 divided by 35
= 51,428
so it is very little debt why get serious
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my investment account has more debt than 50,000 borrow to invest
b debt is good~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about Quiet Day
do u talk too much
Noise is everywhere
is it too much compute game all the time is it too much
, on the crowded train,
is it crowded in the busy office,
is quiet a luxury
in the pub,
why we need pub
i do nt drink so i do not goto pub the school playground,
some culture talking too much is bad eg japanese cannot allow talk to much on subway
and even at home.
i talk too much We simply can’t seem to get away from
a talking culture talk is cheap just doit
the buzz of everyday life.
tress is too much
Sometimes it’s just all too much.
how many cd you have
report this ad verse noise
We know that peace and quiet
is your restaurant too loud
when you goto apple store is it too loud
is the rock concert too lud
why you need so much noise
QUIET are good for the both the body and the mind
overstimulation, but it’s increasingly difficult in today’s world to experience real quiet, and that’s why a abnormalNational Quiet Day is so important.
Everything that’s created comes out of silence
just go diving in the pool no noise
Your thoughts emerge from
too much noise the nothingness of silence.
why noise Your words come out of this voice
why are you afriad of quiet . Your very essence emerged from emptiness
. All creativity requires some stillness.silliness or crazy
Wayne Dyer strange book he wrote
Every day we are surrounded by the chatter
in the mall
on TV,
from the noise the radio
too much gossip even our friends and family.
Few are the opportunities we have to engage in a little quiet
just quiet contemplation,
try n speaking giving our vocal chords a rest
to simply listen to the world around us
and just quiet
or buy nothing day
or repair day and simply experience it.
Quiet Day is dedicated to crazy quiet
taking a little time to free your voice and mind from kids yelling
just wasting time no wisdom and knowledge
from the rigors of conversation.
History of Quiet Day
Quiet Day was established
silence is goldern to remind us to slow down
are the city too fast and give silence a chance
. During this celebration, you are encouraged to simply not speak, and preferably to take a chance to not communicate at all. The sounds of our voices, and in fact our active interaction with others has served to keep us spiritually silent and separated from the world around us, and in some odd ways from the very people we interact with every day. Quiet Day allows you to engage the world around you by removing the shield that is the wall of words we use every day.
In India, there are meditation retreats where time is spent kneeling and in contemplation, sometimes as many as 10 days in succession. These are called Vipassana retreats, a word which means “to see things as they really are”, and comes from ancient Buddhist practices. While Quiet Day is just one day, the principles included in these retreats can be applied to your one day of silence. The peace and clarity it can bring has the possibility of opening your mind to things about your life that have long since been buried in verbal noise.
How to Celebrate Quiet Day
The best way to celebrate Quiet Day is to head somewhere to experience your time in silence uninterrupted. If the weather is pleasant you can head out to a park or to walk among the trees, just getting out in nature and letting your mind wander and find peace.
If you must go in and go to work or encounter other people, carry a card that says “I’m spending a day in silence.” that you can flash, letting people know that you are attempting to not speak for the day. Let Quiet Day be your vacation from vocalization!
Peace and quiet is good for you, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that taking time for quiet can have a positive effect on your body and in some cases can even lower blood pressure and reduce the heart rate.
However, it is increasingly difficult in today’s world to experience real quiet, and that’s why we are establishing the first ever Quiet Day.
In these busy times, more people are suffering from stress. Often made worse by the relentless invasion of unwanted noise in our lives, stress levels can be lowered by reducing your exposure to noise and taking a little sanctuary in silence.
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The Relationship Between Options Trading Volume and Stock Price Movements
Aug. 14, 2006 12:49 PM ET
Paul Kedrosky
Paul Kedrosky
While option traders often get a bad rap as risk-seeking crazies with the attention span of Mary Hart, a paper summarized in yesterday's Times shows how an option piggy-back strategy turns in impressive numbers.mary hart Assuming you have the size and can therefore deal with high portfolio turnover, a naive volume-following option strategy turned in 50% annualized returns over the last fifteen years:
We present strong evidence that option trading volume contains information about future stock price movements. Taking advantage of a unique dataset from the Chicago Board Options Exchange, we construct put-call ratios from option volume initiated by buyers to open new positions. On a risk-adjusted basis, stocks with low put-call ratios outperform stocks with high put-call ratios by more than 40 basis points on the next day and more than 1% over the next week. Partitioning our option signals into components that are publicly and non-publicly observable, we find that the economic source of this predictability is non-public information possessed by option traders rather than market inefficiency. We also find greater predictability from option signals for stocks with higher concentrations of informed traders and from option contracts with greater leverage.
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Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Effective immune function is important for both fighting cancer and preventing cancer in patients at high risk.
Natural therapies that enhance immune function include medicinal mushrooms, astragalus, probiotics, vitamin D, intravenous vitamin C, and energy healing therapy.
Cancer is thought to affect approximately two in five Canadians at some point during their lifetime. While cancer can be an intimidating diagnosis, it’s important to be aware of supporting natural strategies at our disposal to help fight this diagnosis. One of the key avenues is strengthening immune function so the body can target cancer cells more effectively. world health orgaization has endore acpuncture as effective therapy for quite a few form of cancer. dr julie rao has a treatment plan for chemotherapy side efects and improve well being pain reduction and wellness improvement treatment
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Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
remedy pharmacy hasting willingdon clinic 6047109668 by appointment
benefits of natural healing ---------------no side effects
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
神经性耳聋...See More
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
物质从大约15 20斤有机种植的水果和蔬菜充斥身体每天。大多数用于使新鲜原汁,可达每小时一层玻璃,每天最多13倍。生熟固体食物慷慨地消费。充氧通常是增加了一倍以上,如血液中的氧气不足造成许多退化性疾病。新陈代谢也通过另外甲状腺,钾等补充剂,和通过避免重动物脂肪,过量的蛋白质,钠和其他毒素的刺激。
退行性疾病呈现体越来越不能充分排泄废物材料,通常导致肝和肾功能衰竭。本格森疗法采用清热解毒密集,消除废物,再生肝脏,激活免疫系统,恢复人体的必需防御 - 酶,矿物质和激素系统。慷慨的,高品质的营养,增加氧气供应,解毒,改善新陈代谢,细胞 - 和身体 - 可以再生,变得健康和防止未来疾病。
从原料的食品的新鲜榨汁提供提供高品质的营养最简单,最有效的方法。经榨汁,患者可以在营养成分和酶每天从近15磅的农产品,在一个方式,很容易消化和吸收。dr julie rao 604 710 9668
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May Liang ·
University of British Columbia
Best. Ubc
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
Scientific researchers and clinicians have been conducting clinical trials on the use of acupuncture for neck pain since the 1980’s and recent studies show even greater support for the use of acupuncture in alleviating chronic neck pain. One recent pilot study conducted at the Kyunghee University Medical Center in Seoul, Korea found that acupuncture given three times a week was as effective as 80 mg of NSAIDs (think Tylenol here) taken daily for chronic neck pain1. Wow!
Another study including nearly 18,000 patients found acupuncture to be highly effective for the treatment of back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, and chronic headaches2. The patients receiving acupuncture had remarkably better results than patients receiving “sham” acupuncture. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic recommends acupuncture as a relevant, safe, & useful form of alternative medicine for relieving neck pain3.
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Albert Sze Wei Tan ·
Doctor owner of chiyubank cofinancier for jimei university at UN university for peace
world health org science evidence in 1979
WHO official position
Author: Bartosz Chmielnicki MD (translation: Elżbieta Torbus)
In 2003 World Health Organization published a report about clinical trials researching the effectiveness of acupuncture. More than one hundred indication were discussed and divided into four groups concerning the strength of existing evidence.
It was June 1979 when World Health Organisation conducted a symposium on acupuncture in Bejing, China. Doctors who participated in this symposium created a list of 43 diseases that might benefit from acupuncture. This list however was not based on well design clinical trials with appropriate control. The need for performing such studies was mentioned.
Almost twenty years later, in 1997, National Institutes of Health published Consensus Statement, summarizing the state of knowledge drawn from clinical trial concerning acupuncture efficacy. The Authors concluded that there were “promising results showing efficacy of acupuncture in adult postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and in postoperative dental pain” In other conditions, mostly various kinds of pain, acupuncture “might be useful as an adjunct treatment or an acceptable alternative”
One year before publication of statement mentioned above, the meeting of scientists, called WHO Consultation on Acupuncture, was organized in beautiful Italian town of Cervia. That meeting resulted in creation of official report on the effectiveness of acupuncture based on data from controlled clinical trials. The report was finally published in 2003. The results of 255 trials published before the end of 1998 or beginning of 1999 were included.
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been proved – through controlled trials—to be an effective treatment:
Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)
Biliary colic
Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
Dysentery, acute bacillary
Dysmenorrhoea, primary
Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm)
Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
Hypertension, essential
Hypotension, primary
Induction of labour
Knee pain
Low back pain
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