Wednesday, November 30, 2022

why do people refuse to learn or what is your interest technology that improve responosible use of technology

ok not interested they thinkthey know it all hard to understand when you go to the bank do you trust the guy or person sitting in front of you do they g o to university do they study money management do they have certified fincial planner or do they have cfa are they on comission or they work for just hour they will try to sell you things that they can make the most money if you work with many outfit like independent financial company primerica world financial or edward jones why do you need them and there are so many self drriected investment rrsp or tfsa inmajor banks all major banks have them big 5 or big 6 canada is dominate by all these banks now royal bank just buy hsbc hbc is out does it mean the finance industry is just so few so few to pick does small player have a chance what is their benefit many new app try to bypass bank to process payment this are great because it is alternative and alternative competition make consumer better' in the good old days there are not much competition in telphone compnay so it is almost a monolpoly with competition does services and price come down technology make phoneplan cheaper so many people line up for black friday phone plan phone is a big part of life

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