Thursday, December 8, 2022
t Brothers why life is good or Why is life so painful, and why do they say life is suffering?
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Nathawat Brothers
Why is life so painful, and why do they say life is suffering? is suffering good as a sports man we have to endure pain rain in running endurance pain is good
all depends how you look at pain
some people say no pain no gain
or pain make a peron better
if u have no bad how do u know what is good
like if u do not know what is cold how do u know what is hot
La| First being first is that important
There’s no doubt in saying that everybody adores happiness more than suffering
but some peole like suffering van hof cold water immersion he sugggest people go for cold water For them, life is like a colourful painting
or u are too happy to know there is good and bad
my life is filled with many calm
and i have good childhood depends if that is good and bad
some peopel have no parents
some have only father and
is life always suppose to be good happy colours just like a bloomed red flower. But for some, life is painful. or good
pain make you strong
Even if there are some good moments in their life, they feel the fear of pain that it would not last longer.
Every moment of their life is suffering, buddhist say your desire make u suffer
like you liek people to liek mecan u
can u stop putin
that is suffering
some people is in pain like pallacctive care self control or self endurance and personality is so strange which they want to end but couldn’t.
For them, life is pointless,
find work that you like is being a dr pointless a fireman
a policewoman get killed by a homeless an
is she pointless
and soon it becomes hollow, we all die
is your desire which further leads them to take more thigs .......... some take wrong decisions such as drugs, alcohol, and even suicide. seen quite a few who to balme
But why? why is there a unviere why u read this
Why is life so painful? so enjo y Why only a fraction of people reach the riches? because they think st mother theresa is great,,, they are worker or who work a lot or they go to school Or happiness is only a myth,wha tis happy then.
In this article, we’ll try to discover why life is joyful or painful,
why some people always remain unhappy, depression , seen quite a few
maybe because of genetics
or brain injury
too much alcohol
smoking drugs
or they did not find life purpose
and why some, no matter what, always have smiling faces. even in wheel chair or nick no arms no lims still manage to live a good life just no body nows ...even people in wheel chair i know can be happy
Be grateful for what you have:
many people in the world do not even have food lets see
Instead of worrying about what you may not be getting,
try to remember what you have. in some country or in richmond canada people can get angry at cars, or in some place get clean water is a chore This can change your perspective for the better
Start your day the night before: plan to work labour is a virtue The most successful people end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep
be creactive get idea
what is expensive
what is dangerous
what is slow
what need to be improve
life jacket that is warm
flash light that do not need battery
Focus on good habits: Maintaining good habits
what other time wasting bad habits
watch useless video on internet
too much screen time
learn something
contributes to the feeling of having control
better to plan well than not to plan at all
financial plan
For example, getting regular exercise makes us feel better and helps us feel that we have some control over our lives
control emotions
religion teach about purpose and no fear
contrl anger
just plan and do it
I hope these tips help you live a better life!
Monday, December 5, 2022
what to do with people who like to get angry and explode in angeri saw this lady was crying because her husband is hear attack and lying on the ground
why this lady like to yell at him
what did he do wrong
why some woman like to scream at man
when work is more fun than 22 people chasing a ball call soccer
why people become successful
elon musk work hard
many people work hard
statistics expalin everything does it or give you a rough idea
just take normal distribution
some people are shy some are not
some are smarter in some way but not in other
some people have no intention to learn new things and some have open to new ideas and learn new things
is this genetic or is it parenting
why do people so obcessed with fast car
is it a brain washby marketing compnay
so what is brain wash
keep repeat a mesaage until it become real
certain people have disadvantages
people who go to university are smarter
not necessary, some people are billionaire
hong kong li kai sing
so send your son to best school or home school
my relative went to harvard ental he i shome school
parent thnk it is bette to go to home school
more time with kids
over play chess illness
is that really a illness
but if a person only think about chess
and fail to make things in the society
so what do you make today
why eventbrite fail and and has many bug beware before you use it eventbrite owner of that company should fix it product review use tickeleap
exercise and why computer has many bug
how company fail
Johnson & Higgins was one of the largest insurance brokerage firms in the world until it was acquired by Marsh & McLennan in 1997. At that point based in New York the company had 8,400 employees.
Initially founded in 1845 in New York as Jones & Johnson by Walter Restored Jones, Jr. and Henry Ward Johnson, the company acquired its new name in 1854 when A. Foster Higgins replaced Jones who left to do business on his own.[citation needed]
By the 1990s, the company transitioned itself from an established broker of marine and other insurance policies to a provider of a full range of insurance consulting services.[citation needed]
By 1990 over 150 years later the company had around 8,400 employees worldwide and $1 billion in annual revenues, Johnson & Higgins was the fifth-largest insurance brokerage firm in the world and the largest that was privately owned.[1]
bad management
no goal setting
no monior
manager have no idea what people are doing
managr is doing what
i f your company is losing money first sign of managment incompetence
just why onwer fail
bad cash flow
not selling things
peole just do not care
it is just a job
why do company thrive
eg apple
people look happy u can tell whe u go to the s apple store
Friday, December 2, 2022
art is is is ??????????????
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does it improive the quality of life
argue with your wife or husband that is a waste of time
i mean why people do that
waste time
why people are lazy u make anything today
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why are they not working
are they !!!!!!!!!! make anything for use
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